25. **cks

652 21 47

Bucky's POV

"Tony, what did you do?!" I shout as soon as I open the door. I don't have any proof this is his fault, but who else would do something like this. Unsurprisingly he doesn't answer. "JARVIS, what happened?"

"Bucky-Ducky, I have been ordered to not tell anyone."

"Why are you calling me that?" Tony's last nickname was bad enough, but this is criminal.

"Mr. Stark has reprogrammed your preferred name."

"Oh for heaven's sake, Steve!"

He groans from behind me. "What is it? Do we have to get up?"


I can hear a faint mumbling, but before too long he's up. Maybe I should've let him go to bed when he said he should've, but I didn't want to go to sleep. "What-"

"Yeah," I say once it's clear he can't speak. "And JARVIS is now calling me Bucky-Ducky."

"Could you please tell us how long this is going to continue?" Steve asks politely, if sleepily.

"There is no determined end date, Original style." JARVIS says and I groan.

"What is wrong with Tony?"

Steve looks like he's actually trying to figure it out, which is a bit of a lost cause when it comes to Tony. I just decided to go with it, that's a lot simpler. "Well, he has been spending a lot of time with Annabeth, and when she left a couple of days ago she was mumbling something...rather inappropriate about Tony and his ducks. I thought I was mishearing her, as she was also saying some other...less appropriate words, but maybe it was ducks. If that's true, my guess is Tony is trying to get back at her for something."

"But how is releasing a giant swarm of flying rubber ducks going to help him prove a point?" I ask, exasperated with the man.

"It's Tony," Steve says with a shrug. "But maybe the ducks will actually be useful."

Suddenly there's a loud crash and Clint falls out of the vents, completely covered in confetti. "Well tell that-" he cuts himself off when he sees that it's Steve and I instead of someone else. "That Stark that putting bombs filled with duck shaped confetti in MY vents was a VERY BAD IDEA!"

"Calm down," Steve says and places a hand on Clint's shoulder. "It has been very peaceful recently, and perhaps Tony simply boiled over today. He has been under a lot of stress about the project with Annabeth, and this may be how he's letting off steam."

"You weren't so calm five minutes ago," I mutter at the back of his head.

"Maybe go eat, hopefully the food's still here." Steve says to Clint before whispering quietly enough that he would not. "Right now panicking would not be helpful."

Unfortunately the food was not left alone. I don't want to know how he did all this without anyone finding out, but all the regular food is gone, along with the regular dishes and probably the napkins as well.

"Where did he find duck shaped syrup containers?" Steve wonders as he picks one up.

"The real question is how he got all the duck shaped pancakes," Clint says as he eats one, "these are actually pretty good."

"You're both missing the real question," I say and they turn to me, "what's for lunch?"

"We'll find out eventually," Clint says with a shrug. "But these pancakes won't stay warm for too long so we should hurry up and eat."

Suddenly the ducks being projected on the walls line up at attention and start playing a fanfare. I look up prepared to see a very smug Tony, but Natasha storms in instead. "I'm going to kill him!" she's not being as emotional as the rest of us, but she's being very emotional considering it's her.

Percabeth at Stark TowerWhere stories live. Discover now