A Visitor's Pain

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Akaashi Keiji's POV:

Don't focus on the popping noise. It's just the popcorn. It's just the popcorn. Its just-  I tell myself as I slightly jump when I hear the timer sound. Shouyo runs to the kitchen and jumps around.

"Popcorn time!" He says as he grabs a silver bowl for the popcorn. He hands it to me as I take it and pour hot popcorn into the bowl.

"Come on you little popcorn cornel," I say with a chuckle as we walk to the sofa. We settle down for the movie as I check the time on the clock above the small T.V. 19:21 (7:21) PM. This is usually the time I come home with Shouyo from the daycare.

I place Shouyo on my lap and I start the movie for us as he begins to stuff his face with popcorn. The opening of the movie begins when a knock is heard from the door.

A knock... A knock

A knock at a late time and after an odd feeling from earlier. Panic and fear was all that I could feel. Shouyo looked at me in curiosity as I placed the popcorn to the side and carried him to my room. I opened my closet I placed him in.

"P-Papa? What are you doing?" Shouyo asked me with now fear in his heart. I've always wanted to avoid fear with him but it's inevitable. I hand him my phone and show him the call button.

"If you hear me scream you call the authorities and you stay here, okay? Promise me?" I say as I hear a knock again but a little louder than before.

Pounding... pounding

I close my eyes tight and try to forget a memory.

"Papa... I pwomise but I'm scared.." He says, his voice so innocent. I hug him and kiss his head.

"I love you. Stay here." I let go when I don't want to and slide the door close, hoping that my baby boy will be okay. I take a breath and try regain my composure.

Slowly I walk to the door and unlock it with caution. Please not him.. please not him... I say to myself as I am greeted with a face holding a smile.

"Bokuto-San?!" I ask in shock and in disbelief. How the hell did he know where I live?! Why is he here so late?!

"Hey hey hey! Wipe that look off your face. It's just m-" Bokuto-San is interrupted with a child's voice.

"AHH!! LEAVE PAPA ALON- Oh! Mr. Owl!" Says Shouyo as he holds my phone tightly and stands beside me.

"Shouyo! I thought I told you to stay in the closet!" I say but regret saying that. Now that it's out in person, I feel that sounds very questionable.

"He was in a closet Kaashi?" Bokuto-San asks me with a concerned look on his face.

"Papa put me there and told me if I heard him scream to call the aporties," says Shouyo. I take a sigh of relief when he speaks up and just smile at him trying to pronounce 'authorities'.

"Oh really? Well no need to. I won't hurt your Papa." Says Bokuto-San as I mentally think, 'You already have but sure...'

"But Papa said you have hurt him, Mr. Owl," peeps Shouyo as I just close my eyes and hold my breath.

"Wha-" Bokuto-San asks as I interrupt and in the act of hospitality, I invite him in. After a bit, I set Shouyo up with the movie and popcorn and ask Bokuto-San to speak in another room.

His Pain... His Gain {A Bokuaka Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now