Epilogue: Home

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Akaashi Keiji's POV:

Within only hours, Kuroo and I were divorced and my life felt free. Well, almost. For one, I willingly belong to the mafia life and I have to go by another name in public. Shouyo can't mention I'm alive still but again, that doesn't matter to him because I'm where I rightfully belong.

Walking in the fields of the house, I walk with, now mid aged, Kaori. She remembered me the second I came home. With Koutaro and Shouyo at work and school, not much could be done for now. Maybe I should try again in getting into the literature section. Kuroo never let me before but now, I can have the money to take lessons and write.

If I could write, I would write about this life. From coming and unknowingly coming into the world and underground, to meeting Koutaro and my heart shattering. From being hurt and taken advantaged off, to the attempts of leaving it all behind. From finding a ball of sunshine in a thunderstorm to helping him in his first steps. From reuniting Koutaro and falling in love all over again, to being forced to leave it all. From 10 years of separation to a now reminder of a promise.

"Keiji." I hear Koutaro say softly as he hugs me from behind.

"Koutaro? You should be at work, it's not even 2 yet."

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. I can't let you go."

"I'm not going anywhere Kou." I whisperer as I lean back into him. Kaori runs inside to rest and give us privacy.

"I broke my promise to you all those years ago. I never wanted to break that promise to you."

I wrap my arms around him but tighten my grip and hide my face in his back as the engine roars to life and Bokuto-San drives off with a large laugh. I start regretting my life choice of getting on this devil vehicle that could very much end my life.

"Okay I regret this Bokuto-San!! I want to get off!!"

We quickly approach an intersection with a red light down the street as Bokuto-San slows down. I feel him place a hand on mine that is around his waist and rub it gently with his thumb. I look up from his back, my eyes looking up and into his golden ones.

"I'm not letting go Keiji. I promise you that. I got you and I won't let you go. You can trust me. I'll be right here." He grips my hand tightly as his eyes sparkle softly at me.

"I promised to not let go, to be there for you. To hold your hand in your darkest times. But in the end, I failed, I lost you. Our son lost you. I let you walk into agony... I'm sorry I couldn't save you.." He says as he softly sobs into my shoulder.

I can see it now, he has been fighting his own battles of the burden and guilt. He had been fighting for me for years and only barely, he got me back.

"There was nothing you could have done. I made my choice. You and I both know I could never forgive myself if I let Shouyo die. You don't have to live with this blame anymore my love. You never failed because you never gave up on me. I felt you may have chosen go to move on, but you held on. Now look, I'm here in your safe warm arms. You never failed because you kept our son happy and hopeful. You brought me back home. So please, don't cry for our past my love." I say with a soft voice and brush his down hair. He had stopped jelling it after I left because he wasn't the same without me.

"You always know what to say. You're so beautiful, Keiji." He responds as he gentle sways slowly. I hum a soft tune while Koutaro turns me around and holds my waist. He takes my hand as he slowly takes small steps around in a circle, leading me in his steps. He rests his head on my shoulder as I rest mine on his.

"I love you so much Keiji, more than I can describe or tell you." Gently, he pampers my neck in soft kisses.

"I love you too Koutaro. Hell, you would carry me through no man's land if I asked."

"I promise, to keep my promise even if I die. To keep you safe and love you forever." Koutaro offers as I softly laugh.

"You're making this sound like our vows for marriage, Koutaro."

"Keijiiiii! I mean it though."

"You're love is enough for me." I smile as Koutaro picks me up and takes me inside to cherish and snuggle. Loving me as I should be. As anyone should be. Whispering sweet words to me. Showing me my true place in this world, in his arms. After so many years, I have found my true love and despite the dangers I have faced or we will face, I won't ever leave what I have. My home, my family. Even if I do have to kill others later in life, I won't even regret this path I have chosen. Before, I would regret everything but today was proof that I shouldn't because everything happened for a reason and this was it.

The End

Or is it?

The following is not concrete proof of a sequel but if you all choose to want this, I will give it to you.

Kageyama Tobio's POV:

"Fathers, any new news yet?" I ask as I stare at one of my dads on the other's lap.

"Should we tell him Iwa-chan?"

"If he wants to prove his loyalty, he will do it no matter the cost."

"Well, Tobio, you know that our yearly test is coming up. Me and your father have chosen your challenge in the test. It is a large one so we want to give you the most amount of time possible." My shorter old man says as I raise an eyebrow.

"Really? I need a handicap it seems. Father, I don't want to be given the upper hand because you both are the leaders of our band." I speak with disgust in my voice.

"Tobio, you'll see why we are giving you extra time." My other father says, still on his lap.

"You're task, kill Rose Blood Midnight's leader."

"Really? The Black Tail or The Queen Chess Piece?" I question, leaning on the desk in curiously.

"Actually, as of recently, it holds a new leader." My father says as he slides a file over to me. My heart beats louder than it should. Why? I stare at the vanilla file longer than I should.

"Tobio?" My brunette father questions as my hands shake picking up the folder. Why are my hands shaking? Stop it!!

Slowly, I open it and go wide eyed before dropping it on the desk.

'No.. Not him.'

I stare at a picture of my childhood best friend and crush. His smile so bright and orange hair shinning like the sun.

I take a moment before taking in a breath and closing my eyes. I look at my fathers and open my piercing blue eyes with a cold look.

"I'll do it, prove my loyalty to The Aoba Johsai Band, and inherit our throne."

I side the open folder as both of my fathers grin and nod with a good luck. I walk away from the open folder filled with information on my new target.

Shouyo Akaashi-Bokuto Hinata
Status: Alive
Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Band: Rose Blood Midnight
            Black Jackals
Position: Leader
Objective: Elimination

To be continued....?

FINALLY!!! I finished this story and I loved writing it. Let me know if you all want a sequel and yes, it would mostly focus on Kagehina. Thank you so so much for everyone's support. A lot of emotions of similar pain was put in this and I felt better after every chapter written. Thank you again and drink water everyone!!! <3

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