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Akaashi Keiji's POV:

Slowly I park at the station and take a breath. I recognized that handwriting anywhere from the letter. The person I never wanted to hear from and never see again. To know he has my son is eating me from the inside out.

Questions fill my head while I take a moment in the car. Knowing what he did to me, what would he do to Shouyo? Why did he kidnap a child? My child. How did he even find me? He must have found me somehow because he knew where I now lived. What did he want with me? Why would he want me still? He had another person he could be with.

But most importantly, why couldn't he take me instead of Shouyo?

I open the car door and grab Kaori from the back seat and hold her close. Locking the door and placing my keys in my pocket, I begin walking inside to station. It was the same station I had arrived at when I first came to Miyagi 4 years ago. Thankfully, the train company was pet friendly so I could keep Kaori with me. Knowing Shouyo, he will need her to feel better once I get him back. No 'if' s, I'm getting my son back.

I walk in and look around to see people coming off and on trains and others waiting for their ride. I wait by the ticket booth and see the times for trains going out.

Miyagi --- Tokyo City...... 19:00 (7 PM)
Miyagi ---  Okinawa...... 20:00 (8 PM)

The only one that makes sense is that I'm waiting for someone to take me back to Tokyo City. Why else would they want me to be here by no later than 19:00. I look at the time to see it's almost time. I pet softly the wiggling puppy in my arms as a hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn to see a man in a wine red hoodie that is about my same height.

"Come with me Akaashi Keiji and leave the dog." The man whispers but orders.

"No. My son will need her. Please understand that." I say and hold Kaori closer. After a few seconds, the man agrees as I follow him on stepping onto the train heading to Tokyo City. We sit in a far corner and wait for the train to move. A few more people in a small group run on the train and take their seat along with the last few people. As the time hits 19:00, the doors close and we start moving slowly.

With my back to the window, I close my eyes as I am taken away from the place I call home and I'm taken back to a place of pain.

We arrive by 22:12 (10:21 PM), (says the clock since I don't have my phone), as the man pushes me forward and out of the train and into a car in the parking lot. In the backseat of the black car, I look out the window as I see the sights of my home city. I missed the place but the memories haunted me and I never wanted return.

Cars pass by and the street lights are different from Miyagi. I love the rustic and calming ones in Miyagi. Slowly, rain begins to pour as the drops glide across the glass of the window. Petting Kaori, who is now asleep on my lap, I think of my smiling Shouyo. I think of my loving boyfriend. I only had both for a weekend and now, I risk losing both. I had to leave Koutaro behind and I'm trying to get Shouyo back.

I am lost in throught by the time we arrive at our location, the famous Tokyo City Skytree. The hooded man orders me to get out as I obey and look around. My hair getting wet almost instantly. Why of all places are we here?

I hear the crack of something as I turn around to see a pistol pointed at my eye level. I stare at the barrel and step backwards. Death is now looking at me and my fate is being determined.

"Move it. Now." The hooded man demanded as I walked and agreed. A gun is pointed at my head. What about Shouyo? Please Lord, don't have him harmed. Please.

His Pain... His Gain {A Bokuaka Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now