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"Did I ever tell you about the time Harry had to answer the riddle to get in to the Ravenclaw tower?" Teddy asked Saige as they walked beside each other. 

"No, you haven't."

"Well, when-"

"During the war, he had to answer the owl's riddle to get into the Ravenclaw common room, I know," she cut him off. "But, he had a Ravenclaw with him, so was it really a great achievement? Besides, Ravenclaw's have to answer the riddles every day, it's really not that hard."

"I thought you said I hadn't told you that story before?" Teddy narrowed his eyes at her. 

"No, you haven't" Saige emphasised, wondering why he assumed that he had ever told her a story before. "However, I do in fact take History of Magic, and funnily enough, Mr Potter's autobiography is included in the book list."

"No need to be so sarcastic, Stirling." 

Teddy had seemed to always be around the girl recently. She found it rather annoying, really. If he spied her sitting alone at meals or in the library, he took it upon himself to join the girl. She was patiently waiting for him to finally spit out what he actually wants. Most likely help with homework, she theorised. Teddy himself didn't truthfully know why he had a sudden infatuation with the girl. He still hated her, of course. He pinned it down to curiosity, her persistence to push everyone away intriguing him. He was a Hufflepuff after all, and he was certainly determined. 

"How many classes so you even take?" he questioned

"Seven," she responded with a sigh. "History of Magic, potions, Defence against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy, charms, transfiguration and herbology."

"Seven classes?!" Teddy exclaimed. "Merlin, how are you even functioning? There's not enough hours in a day for all that work"

"I do just fine."

The two finally reached the library, not that Teddy knew where they were heading, he kind of just followed the girl. Placing her things gently down on a table, Saige began to pull out her books and parchment. Sitting across from her, Teddy did the same.

"What are you working on?"

"Full of questions today aren't we, Lupin?" she replied, not looking up from her paper. "I'm just finishing up on the herbology essay."

"The one about Deadly Nightshade? Do you need help with it?" he offered, shuffling over to sit next to her. He peered over her shoulder and skimmed her elongated, curved writing. The action made her stiffen, uncomfortable with the decreasing distance between the two. She shot him a ludicrous expression at the suggestion. 

"Don't look at me like that," he flushed at how close their faces now were, pulling away slightly. "I'm in your class, and last I checked I'm top of the year."

"Fine," Saige grumbled, shifting away from the boy. "I can't figure out for the life of me why the stupid plants properties are used in Witches Flying Ointment, which is funny because I use the stupid stuff every day," she rambled, clearly becoming frustrated. Teddy laughed quietly at her, earning him a sour look. He reached across the table and grabbed her textbook, flipping through the pages momentarily until he found what he was looking for. 

"Here," he pointed to the page. "Deadly Nightshade, commonly known as Belladonna, is a vital ingredient in many potions. The poisonous herb is deadly when not used properly. However, when grown and harvested correctly, the vibrant purple colour acts as a catalyst for important reactions that make the potion consumable in a liquid form. Furthermore, the plant's berry is known for its relaxing, anti-inflammatory properties."

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