Car Ride Back

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3rd POV:

Once the suicide watch was over Snape came back to the hospital once again to pick up the two and bring them back. He would look through the rear view mirror and watch the two as they glanced at each other then went back to staring somewhere else nervously. Harry held tight onto the lion draco gave him while looking at the road anxiously, while draco just stared out the window not knowing what to do.

Snape cleared his throat gaining both of their attention, "Draco he is your first little," Snape began getting a scoff from harry who relieved a glare back, "If something goes horribly wrong again then we will have no choice other then go let him room with someone else."

"But sir-" Draco yelled out, getting cut off.

"he ran to a park after arguing with a teacher, he caused a scene in the dinning hall and he's gone to the hospital. I now have to teach the both of you in your dorm and may I add that you two argue a lot. It's not healthy for either of you so if you can help your relationship grow and can't get Harry to mellow out and relax we have no choice but to move to Harry dorms."

"You can't do shit!" Harry shouted angrily.

"Harry let's not be disrespectful to a teacher, okay?" Draco told him angrily, only proving Snape's point.

"Well you acting like that isn't helping your case either now is it?" He waited a minute to get an answer but never did, "that's what I thought."

"It doesn't help that you never listen, always doing whatever you want no matter how many times i tell you no or how dangerous it is."

"It's not my fault I don't trust you! I barely know you and you expect me to act like I've known you my whole life! You don't know my past, you don't know! Your just as stupid as every fucking one! You just don't understand!" Harry yelled at him clutching onto the lion and tears streaming down his face.

Snape dove, keeping silent, not expecting them to get into an argument over it. He thought the two would either go there separate ways or talking about how to improve their relationship.

"Hazza I'm sorry" he whispered, reaching out to Harry, who flinched away, "you're right I don't know. I don't know your life story, I don't know a lot about you. I don't understand either. I don't know a lot about you and I don't understand you but why don't you let me... let me get to know you for you not your act, stop hiding."

Harry didn't look over at Draco, he was upset, scared and anxious. He was only trying to help but Draco flipped on him just like his aunt and uncle did, and he was once again arguing in the car. He was waiting for a car to bash into there's, killing everyone but him. He didn't want more people to die because of him. Just thinking about them dying made him panic.

Being in a car reminded him of Sirius's death and the arguing wasn't helping him forget. The memory of how they were fighting, it was stupid thing to fight about but in the moment HArry thought it was something that they should argue about. Things got intense, tension filled the car and right as Harry was about to apologize a car T-boned them, Making the car roll off the road and both go unconscious. The next time Harry woke up he saw blurry flashing lights and blood dripping from Sirius's pale body, he tried to reach out towards him but he could barely move or breathe. He heard people yell and he was pulled out of the car right before it went up in flames. He could never forgive himself after that, he was certain if he didn't start a fight he would be alive.

Thinking of the accident made time slow as he watched cars speed pass, speeding past them sending them aggressive signals for driving slower. Staring at the cars as they passed he swore he saw one of Voldemort's men, the one that killed Sirius. The man made eye contact with him and smirked before speeding passed them out of vision. Harry's eyes grew wide, his lungs burned from him struggling to breathe, "s-stop."

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