Chapter 3, Part 3

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It was time for the ball. Everyone was waiting outside the door with their partner of choice. Koki and I, Zenshiro and Kaz, Asa and Seiko, Daisuke and Isamu, Kunihiko and Arisa, Shin and Takahiro, Shichiro and Yokichi, and Ayu and Rokuro. They seemed to have been forced into a group as there was no one left. The doors opened. We all went in. It was more beautiful than the first time. There was music going in the background of the scene. It was really nice. We all began to socialize within our groups and other groups. Koki and I were still alone. He cleared his throat.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" He asked.
"I dunno, we could check out the snacks table," I shrugged and suggested.
"I do feel quite hungry, that's a good idea," He nodded and we made our way over.

There were three groups there as well, they were socializing as well. Shin, Takahiro, Kaz, Zenshiro, Rokuro, and Ayu were gathered there.

"Hi, everyone," I waved.
"Hey, Mamoru! You look great!" Shin smiled.
"Hi again," Ayu smiled, "I'm gonna go get a drink," She pulled on Rokuro's shirt.
"O-Oh, alright!" He smiled, it was a nervous smile.

They walked away. I sighed and looked at the others.

"If I don't fucking kill her tonight, I'll be surprised," Kaz growled.
"We're not gonna kill anyone," Zenshiro patted her shoulder.
She elbowed him, "Whatever."
"Rokuro seems like he's scared of Ayu," Shin pointed out.
"He did, didn't he," Koki agreed.
"Not surprised, she's a fucking bitch," Kaz laughed.
I laughed a little, "I hope this turns out alright,"

The lights in the middle of the room got brighter, as the ones around dimmed. Monokuma stood in the front of the room once again.

"Ahem, it is time for the first dance! Come with your partner and join in the dance, it is necessary! Even if you can't dance! After this, you are free to leave the ballroom," Monokuma announced, "But, you must stay with your partner, I'll be watching the cameras!"

We all made our way to the center. Some of us looked more nervous than others. I knew what I was doing, Koki didn't seem like he did. I laughed a little.

"Do you know how to dance?" I asked.
"I'm afraid I don't," He shook his head.
"Alright, I'll teach you, follow my steps," I placed my hands on his shoulders, as he placed his around my waist, like every other group.

I began to dance, he tried his best to follow. I laughed a little, he was messing up quite a bit, but it wasn't bad. He started to get the hang of it pretty quickly. We picked up the tempo to the tempo of the song and mixed in with the other groups. It was fun, it was peaceful. Some people were talking amongst themselves while dancing, some were closer together than others, some didn't want to touch their partners. It was an interesting mix of people. It was actually enjoyable. I'm glad it wasn't ruined.

"Hey, slow down-" Koki tapped my shoulder.
"Oh, my bad! I got carried away," I laughed a little.
"It's alright, I'm just not very good at this," He laughed as well.

After a few minutes, the dance was over. Some people continued dancing, but less formal. The rest of us stopped and applauded. We all went our separate ways. Koki and I went back to the snack table. Shin and Takahiro were there as well, Kaz and Zenshiro were still dancing, Ayu and Rokuro disappeared.

"That was fun!" Shin smiled, Takahiro nodded.
"It was, I enjoyed it," Koki nodded as well.
"I had fun, too!" I smiled.

The group had a few snacks while holding a conversation, Koki tapped my shoulder.

"Mamoru, I need to talk to you alone, for a minute," He gestured to a corner that was secluded from the group.
"Oh? Alright," I shrugged.

We walked over. It was kind of quiet. He took a deep breath.

"I have something to tell you," He said.
"If you're gonna tell me you spiked the punch, that's pretty out of character of you," I laughed a little.
He laughed a little as well, "No, it's not that,"
"Damnit," I said jokingly, slapping my knee gently.
"It's um, well," He took another deep breath, "I think I'm gay,"
"HUH?" I was kind of shocked.
"Calm down, you'll draw attention, and that doesn't automatically mean I like you," He rolled his eyes, "Just, don't tell anyone,"
"Can do," I nodded.
"Alright, let's head back," He started walking away.

I followed him. That was definitely unexpected. Kaz and Zenshiro were back at the snack table with Shin and Takahiro. They seemed to be having a very lively conversation. Shin noticed me and obnoxiously waved.

"HI, MAMORU!!" He shouted.
I sighed and laughed a little, "Hi, Shin," I waved back.
"I have a question," Zenshiro leaned over the table near me.
"What's your question?" I asked.
"How did you find out it was me? In the trial. You had basically nothing," He stared at me.

That was a good question. If I was to be honest, it was really just a lucky guess with the gun. That sounded too insensitive. But, he said I had basically nothing. He has to know I was guessing on the one clue. He got messy, of course. But what else does he mean by that? It was an obvious scene. I shook my head.

"That- I don't have a straight answer," I replied.
"So, you don't know what happened?" He continued to stare.
"You...hung her, that's about all I know," I replied.
"Wrong." His stare was more intense, "If you want, I can tell you. As long as Seiko doesn't overhear,"
"I wanna know, you're being confusing!!" Shin exclaimed.
"I'd rather not know," Kaz leaned on the table, she looked bored, but also slightly upset.
"Mamoru?" He continued to stare me down. I was getting slightly uncomfortable.
"If it'll make you stop staring at me," I sighed, "Then sure."
"Wonderful," He stopped staring, "I never hung her,"
"Well, at this point it's obvious that you didn't," I rolled my eyes.
"Never hung her whole body," He shrugged.
"What." Almost all of us looked at him with the same look.
He laughed, "The gunshot was genuine, I did shoot her, but I dismembered her as well. I put her original leg on an almost identical copy of her and hung that. That's why the announcement still went off," He explained, "It was in the pool, which I discovered the room is almost soundproof to the outside, that's also how I came out completely clean. Showers and a change of clothes."
"You guys are a bit dumb, but that's okay," Zenshiro laughed, "I almost got away with it, too,"
"What about the water?" I asked.
"Oh, that? I did get a glass of water actually, but as I was walking back to my room, with the glass, I saw Kunihiko was peeking out of her room, so I dropped the glass," He shrugged, "I planned it pretty well, besides that. I improvised after that. She closed her door and I ran back down the hallway to where the mimic was, then I put my Mono-Pad there,"
"Why the fuck did you do that?" Kaz asked, it didn't really make sense.
He shrugged, "I'm not sure, I just had a feeling I needed to. Then I fired the gun again and cue the panic mode,"
"Why did you kill Seiko?" Koki stared at him.
"She was on my nerves." He replied quickly.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
He seemed to be getting set off, "I mean she was on my nerves."
"Well, what happened?" Koki asked.
"LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT." Kaz banged on the table.
"Yeah," Shin nodded, "I'm getting bored,"
"Mamoru and Koki need to learn to mind their own damn business first," Zenshiro was still set off.
Seiko and Asa walked over, "Hi, everyone!" Asa smiled and waved.
"Hi!!" Shin waved back, "What's your name again? I forgot, I'm sorry!"
She giggled, "It's alright, it's Asa!"
"Oh, right! And you're Seiko, right?" He asked.
"Yeah, you're right," She nodded.
Zenshiro hid behind Kaz, "You're back again, great,"
She glared in his direction, "Hey, bitchboy is hiding behind his "big, strong girlfriend", I've seen this before. Cut the act."
"Seiko, we can leave if you want, we can come back later when they're gone," Asa tapped her shoulder.
"Are you gonna help him kill a kid again?" She leaned into Kaz's face, "Then you won't take any blame, get away with it with your "hands clean" again?"
"Get the fuck out of my face." She shoved her away.
"Seiko, we should go, it's quite crowded anyway," Asa tried to keep a positive attitude still.
"You can leave if you want, I'm not going anywhere. They killed me, so they should pay for it," Seiko got closer to Kaz again.
"Um, I kinda can't leave," Asa was confused.
"Oh, you do?" She smiled, "Then actually tell them the truth."

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