I don't know what to Title this part

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Dante: So I finally found a way to give Lui a gift!

Free: How?

Dante: I'll trick him into it.

Free: That's......not gonna work....

Dante: If he thinks it's not a gift then he'll-

Free: Open it.

Dante: Exactly!

Dante: So I left a cardboard box in his room with no message on it. Just a note that says 'open it' with my left hand.

Free: Do you know that Lui had been watching a lot of crime documentaries lately?

Dante: Yes....?

Free: So just to recap, you left an unmarked package in his room on a random Tuesday, with a suspicious message written on it that looked like it was scrawled by a crazy person?

Dante: Mm-hmm.

Lui * running out of his room *: Bomb! There's a bomb! Everyone out! Let's go! Let's go! This is not a drill! Let's go!

Dante: ...............

Free: Great gift, kid.


Naoki: The odds of that happening coincidentally are vanishingly small.

Gwyn: I would say infinitesimally.

Kyle: Yes, and I would say teenily-weenily. We all know words.


Ranjiro: Let's get personal. What's the hardest thing for you to say?

Fubuki: I need help.

Suoh: I was wrong.

Aiger: Worcestershire sauce.


Phi: Hello, brother. Suprised to see me?

Hyde: Well, I didn't say Bloody Mary three times, so, yes.


Shu: Ok, let's see. Ok the turkey is in the oven. The stuffing's ready.

Valt: You know, you always cook this meal all by yourself. Let me help this year.


Valt: I'm serious, let me do something. Just not the turkey. Nothing high profile.

Shu: Ok, let's see. Oh, the cranberry sauce.

Shu: It's easy to make, and no one really cares about it.


Valt: Tell me more.


Fumiya: I love musical theatre.

Arman: Oh, you must be a great singer then!

Fumiya: You could not be more wrong.


Robber: Alright kids, give me your money!

Diago: No.

Wakiya: What do you mean 'no'!?

Wakiya: I knew you'd be my death, Diago Kurogami!

Beyblade Burst/Evolution/Turbo/Rise/Surge memes and etc. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now