Cooking Club

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Fubuki: Shu! Hurry up! You're gonna be late for your first class!

Shu:*muttering to himself while dashing through the corridors* I'm seriously considering homicide I swear to God.

*Reaches the class 10 mins late*

Rantaro: Woah Shu. Never thought of you to be the late one.

Valt: Yeah! Look even Free and I are on time!

Shu: * panting* Wait. Free?? He was with me-

Free: I used the emergency exit.

Shu: You jumped off the roof?

Valt: It's totally safe and cool!

Shu: I'm not even gonna ask. Anyways. *Clears throat* Class. Does anyone know what we're gonna learn Today?

Xander: I believe Fubuki wrote it on the black board.

Shu: Ok so we're gonna learn how to cook Spaghetti Carbona and Garlic brea-

Shu: Who wrote this?

Xander: Fubuki-

Shu: No not that. Below it the quote.

Rantaro: What does it say?

Shu: " Be the villain you were born to be. Stop waiting for someone to come along and corrupt you. Succumb to the darkness yourself."

Lui: Me.

Shu: Why would you even-

Lui: I'm in charge of motivational quotes. I write what I feel. I don't need your opinion. You should just focus on teaching which you can't even do right-

Shu: I think I'm -

Lui: I'm not the one coming in late 10 mins for class and then continue wasting another 10 mins in this pointless discussion.


Shu: Anyways-

(A/N): I don't know anything about cooking. So if there is some mistake pls ignore it.

~ 30 mins later ~

Free: Now what?

Shu: You add the seasoning to the garlic bread-

Diago: Hey Shu?

Shu: Yaa?

Diago: How come Free gets to make the garlic bread and I have to make the Spaghetti?

Shu: I-

Diago: And more importantly. Why are we in pairs? I mean even if we're in pairs how come Joshua is the only one working alone?

Shu: You guys were the one's that suggested doing it in pairs and before I could object you guys had already decided who's partnering up with who using rock, paper and scissors.

Shu: And Joshua was originally paired up with Dante. Lui was doing solo but seeing Dante struggle with Joshua he suggested that Joshua can work alone because he's gonna die alone anyways.

Shu: So if you want to pair up Joshua, be my guest. Or you can talk to someone who's willing to swap partners.


Shu: What is Valt?

Rantaro: How do you boil water again? And are there extra ingredients?

Beyblade Burst/Evolution/Turbo/Rise/Surge memes and etc. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now