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(Start song at 1:30)

The body sunk to the floor as Armin sunk with it.

Armin stared in disbelief at his lovers' wounded state. The clutch she had on his arm now loosening.

The gun shot could be heard through the walkie, alarming the others.

Armin couldn't comprehend fully what had just happened but what he knew was she was shot.


"ARMIN!! Armin talk to me what's going on??!" Jean shouted through the walkie.

"Y/n..she- she's hit." Armin stuttered out.

"WHAT!!" Simone shouted from a distance.

I don't know who she is

"Pull the car up hurry!!!!" Armin said, carrying the blood stained body into the car.

Fayth's expression turned into one of horror as she took gaze upon her sisters unconscious body.

Tears began to fall as she slammed on the gas, rushing to the hospital.

Trying to hold in her sobs as she sped on the street.

I don't know why, I don't know where she is.

Armin held her body close while applying pressure to her wound trying to stop the blood from escaping her body.

Fayth stayed focused on the road, carefully speeding through cars. She didn't turn around but her stern words made up for the lack of eye contact.

"Just so you know, if Y/n doesn't pull through I'm holding you personally responsible. So you better hope she makes it, for your sake at least."


Shortly they made it to the hospital, paramedics and nurses aware of the current situation rush out to help.

The others being informed of what had happened arrived shortly after as well but some a little more vocal about the issue.

"What the FUCK happened??!! How did she get shot?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!!!!" Vaeh yelled through tears in Armins direction, while Niccolo held her back.

"It...it wasn't supposed to happen." Armin said still stunned.

"Yeah no fucking shit!" Simone said putting her face in her hands as she begun to cry, making Jean hold her close.

Fayth plopped down in the hospital chair, playing the visual of her sister in her mind.

Not knowing whether to scream or breakdown. The conflicting feeling of not knowing if her sister was dead weighed on her mind.

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍𝒔:𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆 (Armin X Blackreader) Where stories live. Discover now