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Luna wasn't one to worry too much. She didn't know why. Her siblings and father were both prone to worrying. It was rather bothersome. She figured it might be because she avoided that feeling of helplessness that worry caused. She had always avoided it after seeing creatures bouncing around someone's head when they were fraught with worry. It was a bit unsettling to think it could happen in her own head, but that wasn't the point.

Because what was the point of worrying anyway? It wasn't like she was going to change anything by stressing over things.

Unfortunately, Luna was starting to worry about her new pesky habit of sleepwalking. The midnight strolls to help save Thalia's tree were taking their toll on her mind and body.

It was little things at first. Finding her shoes on the other side of the room, the covers trussed up, and the constant disappearance act of her pillow. She hadn't pegged it as sleepwalking at first. It could have been the work of some pesky creatures or her fellow roommates, but after a while she realized it was neither of those things.

Her shoes disappeared entirely one night, and the next she woke in the middle of the Hogwarts hallway standing outside the eagle statue. It didn't take her long to piece it together then. Because she had spent so much time walking around at night in camp, it had become part of her cycle here at Hogwarts as well, she just wasn't awake to remember it. It was scary thinking she could have been anywhere in the school and have no memory of it. That's why Luna didn't mind her classmates making fun of her for it, and stealing her shoes, and trying to keep her from sleepwalking because it made sure she stayed put.

But it didn't change much. She could still be found late at night strolling about Hogwarts, which, in itself was a problem. But the teachers were more worried than ever with Sirus Black on the loose that they didn't put much effort into a solution.

One particular night she had wandered just a little too far. Into the castle grounds. She woke to house-elves tugging on her nightgown and the morose features of Helena Ravenclaw peering down at her.

"It's rather dangerous wandering about the woods at night." Luna was startled to find herself in the forest, but wouldn't be able to tell. She was too engrossed with the nighttime grace and beauty to be found in it. It wasn't like it was any more dangerous than the woods at camp.

"Not as dangerous as fighting invisible monsters." Luna countered, she was tired, but her eyes were alive with youthful energy and curiosity.

"I suppose, but that doesn't mean you should keep doing it," Helena said as if scolding a small child.

"But I can't stop," was Luna's matter-of-fact reply.

"Some say sleepwalking is a sign of a restless mind."

"So are hoggiewiggles, but I haven't got any."

'So your mind is at peace then?"

Luna frowned. "No, I don't think so."

Helen sighed a long and suffering sigh like she just realized that she was still talking to a child. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Luna tilted her head in thought. She didn't see an immediate solution to the sleepwalking problem, but there were other things she could find useful that might help put her mind at ease.

"You wouldn't mind keeping me from wandering off anywhere too dangerous, would you?"

Helena looked at Luna. "I suppose that's the least I could do. It's not like the Grey Lady has anything else to do."

Luna almost missed the barest hint of loneliness in the Grey Lady's tone. It was a feeling Luna never quite felt, being lonely. She couldn't understand it. As far as she understood, she was perfectly content with being alone.

Later, Luna would realize she didn't know what it was like to not be alone. She could be lonely, and she wouldn't even know.

The Grey Lady stayed true to her world and kept Luna from wandering anywhere too dangerous, but Luna still couldn't shake the habit.

Luna's Prefect had even tried some sleeping suggestions. Needless to say, no spell or potion would keep Luna in bed. She appreciated the effort though. Sometimes it was as though the other kids just didn't see her as human.

The Grey Lady explained her mother had that effect on people too. It was the demigod blood. Wizards were able to sense it and threw them off because it wasn't of their world. Helena even went so far as to find books in hidden rooms and bookshelves about the true origin of wizardry. It was in Greek, of course. Her curiosity was endless, and a youthful child's desire to chase after strange creatures and invisible ones and imaginary ones around Hogwarts grounds late at night delayed her emotions somewhat. She was content with her solo exploration and discovery. Wandering into forest clearings, finding the Thestrals and small little alcoves in trees to hide in, and warding off Greek monsters that got too close.

Because what really is a wizard demigod hybrid but a magnet for trouble, adventure, and mystery.

I'm not dead. *Hides behind wooden shield as spears are thrown* Still here. *Peeks out from behind shield* I'm sorry it took so long.

Hope you're still sane,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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