Letters of Transaction

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After Annabeth left searching for the golden fleece with Percy and Grover (Luna may have overheard the conversation, but decided it wasn't her business and didn't tell anyone, because she thought the camp needed all the help it could get) was when Luna cracked down and got to work.

She was realistic, and the odds of finding the golden fleece were a little slim, finding it within the time they had anyway. The others obviously couldn't see either, but Luna saw it. The incoming doom, the death seeping into to. It was the most horrible thing Luna'd ever seen.

The tree, Thalia, the life was leeching out of it in little leaf-like creatures. They were small, slightly smaller than the palm of Luna's small hands. They had no mouths, noses, or ears, but they did have eyes. Proportionally large eyes unfit for the small structures. They had small pointy leaf-like spikes at the top.

But the creatures were dwindling.

They were getting more and more coated in black goo. The black goo was slowly eating away at them.

Luna dared not touch it.

"What are you staring at?" A Hermes Camper asked her warily. Luna had a reputation.

She fingered the hilt of her dagger.

"The tree. It's being corrupted."

The camper grumbled. "By poison yes, that's why Clarisse has gone looking for the fleece."

"Do you think they'll find it?"

The camper snorted.

"I try to be optimistic."

Luna found it hard to relate when she could see just how the tree was dying in front of her. She fingered the wand behind her ear.

She possessed a unique set of skills. Time to see if those skills were useful and if she could put them to use.

So she decided to do something for herself.

Without Annabeth looking over her shoulder, and her other siblings preoccupied with guarding the camp, she was free to do what she pleased: research.

Luna wasn't going to risk underage magic. She knew where her limits lie and leading the Ministry of Magic to Camp Half-Blood would end terribly, especially with the wonky barrier. If the barrier was up and running smoothly she might've taken the chance, but it would be all too easy for a ministry official to separate into Camp, shattering what little remains of the barrier were left.

No, she could, however, manage with potions.

Luna was not by any means an expert at herbology or potions or healing, but she did know a thing or two.

A daughter of Athena, after all, knew how to do research. It's helpful that nobody thought twice when they saw the strange daughter of Athena with her mother's sacred animal.

She wrote several letters one to Professor Kettleburn, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher, asking him about this theoretical creature's venom and symptoms and its possible remedies, she wrote another to her father checking up on him and politely asking if he could send her a book on healing.

At this time Kettleburn provided her with the intricacies of the venom used on the tree, but some of the symptoms weren't the same, however, he directed her to Madame Pomphrey for a cure, since Lina had speculated that the type of creature she had provided was entirely theoretical and therefore he wasn't much help.

Luna wrote her letter to Madame Pomphrey when her father sent her book back.

Dear Luna,

I didn't know you were interested in healing. I'm glad you've taken an interest in work, but I'm not sure it may be the right occupation for you, however, I will support your decision. I hope you're having a wonderful time at summer camp, I hope it helps you connect with your mother.

Don't let the Nargles get you,


Oh, father, you have no idea. Luna's mouth quirked. One day she'll tell him, one day.

It was then she noticed the little pang in her chest. Luna missed her father, she missed Hogwarts, she missed Annabeth, but she realized she missed Ginny as well.

Luna smiled as she wrote her next letter.


I hope the Snoggleworts have left you alone. They've been white busy here in America. I'm here experiencing a unique culture. I think you'd like it here. It'd match your fiery personality and the Nargles aren't as bad. I hope you have a wonderful summer, and the Gurglesputs help you get your spirits up.


Luna Lovegood

At last, she finished her letter to Madame Pomphrey, thanked her mother for her unique ability to call eager to help owls to deliver her letters.

Now that was done and after several days of guard duty and tense meals and sporadic reading she received her letter from Madame Promohrey who very politely asked her what the Hades (without the Hades part) she needed the information for. Luna sent her reply immediately.

Madame Pomphrey,

I have an urgent need to save a magical tree that was actually a person transfigured into a tree.

Luna Lovegood.

Madame Pomphrey then directed her to Professor Sprout.

Luna was getting a little frustrated. She was running out of time, the book had been somewhat helpful, she had crafted a potion that helped stop the spread of the poison, but it may not have been enough.

Professor Sprout couldn't have answered soon enough.

Sprout was a dead end it seemed. She offered suggestions, enough to keep the tree alive a little longer, Annabeth had better have come through. Luna had managed to scrape together potions of her own, made from ingredients she snuck out of cabins and the forbidden forest and even a snakeskin in the attic. After sneaking up to a tree in the middle of the night a few days she saw that it was working, but only just

By the time the tree was nearly out of time, there were dark circles under Luna's eyes and the far-off look was a little more prevalent. That's why people have her a wide breadth around the tree, allowing her the opportunity to dump the tinctures and potions to keep the tree strong.

Get here soon. Annabeth, Luna prayed. We may not have more time.

HAHA, A chapter within the same month. Whoo. Y'all are just so awesome. 100 follows, especially with my updating schedule. Thanks.

Hope you're saner than I am (seriously, I'm a little sleep-deprived at the moment),


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