The End of the Beginning

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So Luna's abilities to see the invisible enchanted beings of the wizarding world was awkward, to say the least, but at least she knew she wasn't crazy anymore. It just meant that she had a unique ability that only one other person on record had, no big deal.

At least Luna didn't mind being different. Sure it was hard sometimes, especially when her classmates gave her dirty looks, but she could live with that. She had knowledge instead.

But by the end of the year, Oh, to say Luna was mad was an understatement. Monsters weren't supposed to mess with her wizard friends. Most of the time they didn't even bother to mess with Luna, she was too different, but the Basilisk, because what else could it be, needed to feel someone's wrath. If only she knew how to get to it. The ghosts would say nothing.

Luna was upset she wasn't the one to deliver its much-needed dose of wrath to it. Under normal circumstances, Luna couldn't harm a fly, but well, it definitely wasn't a normal circumstance.

Ginny had gotten hurt, or at least, that's what Luna heard from the whispers from her classmates.

On the train compartment back, once Luna was all alone in her own compartment she took a big sigh.

Hogwarts had been a little more than she bargained for. She had begun to scratch the surface of who she was, sure, she no longer felt like something was wrong with her when she saw the Nargels, but she had left wondering if maybe there were more people like her. She wanted friends. She had enough family. Maybe next year would be better, maybe next year Ginny would be okay, maybe next year people would want to sit next to her in the compartment. That was a lot of maybes.

She looked at the interior of her compartment, it felt so... lonely.

Luna hugged her knees to her chest, then she heard a soft whisper, it was so faint Luna thought she must have imagined it, but then she felt better. Not as alone, not as afraid, she hadn't realized she was, but it felt better.

She opened her Quibbler and began to read the evidence of her father's love for her bleeding through the pages. She smiled.

She looked up and whispered, "thanks, mum."

So sorry this is short, but I wasn't quite sure what to do. I'll try to make it up in the next chapter. On another note, hope y'all are okay. Happy Easter!

Hope you are still sane (it's pretty rough),


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