The Betrayal

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Luna did everything to distract herself from thoughts of worries for her sister, who Luna knew probably wanted to smash the Son of Poseidon's head in. It was also the talk of the camp, so Luna found herself wandering around a lot, trying to avoid conversations where someone would bring up her sister.

It was hard.

Luna spent a lot of time alone. She spent time with the Pegasi, they didn't talk, so she didn't have to worry. It was calming for her. The animals didn't have those strange creatures only she could see. It was nice.

She also practiced skills like reading with dyslexia, history, and of course, knife throwing, Luna just hoped she never had to use it, but all that time with nothing to do, it helped hone her skills even further.

And when Annabeth came back from her first quest and then Percy got poisoned, no one was left in the dark, including Luna.

Lima found her sister curled up on her bed crying silently.

Luna walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"I hope you didn't let the monsters get you."

"I'm still in one piece, Luna."

"Good, and just so you know, It's okay Annabeth," said Luna sitting on the foot of Annabeth's bed, with Annabeth clutching her knees to her chest on the other end.

"It's not Luna, he lied, he betrayed us."

"His head was crowded anyway."

Annabeth, despite the situation, snorted.

"It's true, with all the little nargles in his head, you couldn't see what part was him."

"I'm so confused right now, but somehow, this is helping."

"Oh, that's good, I guess."

Annabeth grinned, but then tried to hide it by glancing down and shaking her head.

"Maybe the Narklacs with getting to him, and he'll come to his senses."

"I hope so, Luna, I really do."

"I let you know if I see any."

"Have you seen any?"

Luna thought for a moment and then decided to have some fun with her sister.

"Oh yes, Percy's head is full of them," ok maybe Luna was lying a little bit, but she had a crying sister to take care of.

"Really?" Asked Annabeth displaying a plethora of emotions.

Luna smiling vaguely, "100 percent."

That was when Annabeth knew something was up.

Annabeth grinned. "Ok, sure."

"Yep, maybe you should ask him about it."

Annabeth blushed.

"No, I think that's your job, Luna."

Luna's eyes grew into perfect circles.

"NOPE!" And then she raced away from her sister, leaving behind a laughing girl that began chasing her across the camp.

Luna was happy she was able to do some good, but also wanted to unleash her magic out on the boy that had caused her sister pain, but soon she would have to leave all demigod things behind.

Because now, it was time for Hogwarts, and from what her dad told happened last year, it was bound to be interesting.

Maybe not as life-threatening as camp and the demigod life, but surely more interesting.

She was wrong.

By a little bit.

It was far more life-threatening than anyone could have guessed.

But that wasn't a concern of hers, particularly.

Anyway, thanks for comments (Crab King), hearts, following my story, and just overall reading it. It means a lot to know that people actually like this. I hope I won't do this story of shame. I don't own characters blah blah blah, and I'm sorry for any errors. Sorry, this was short.

I hope you're not as sane as I am (Since you know this is Luna's story),


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