Luna Meet Camp-Half Blood

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It took two weeks for Luna to bring up that she wanted to go to a summer camp in America. It took another week for her father to agree after much persuasion on Luna's part. It took another 4 days for her father to review the particular summer camp she had suggested. Delphi's Strawberry Farm Camp, whatever it was, seemed to appear passable to her father's standards, and after several long weeks of waiting. Luna was packed and ready to go to Camp Half-Blood.

The apparated near the entrance. She had her father use the strange device muggles used to talk to one another to "enroll" her, so she wouldn't have to lead her father through the camp.

Once they landed on solid ground, Luna waved her father just as quickly, which did take a bit of effort, and "I'll be fine" to convince him to leave.

Once he was finally gone Luna grabbed her luggage in one hand and marched up to the big house once more, leaving behind the strange creatures for a summer.

Very few monsters had appeared while she was around Europe, and it seemed her wizard scent confused them because they left her alone. The other creatures though, the ones she had looked in countless Greek myths for, but didn't find a single one, still haunted her.

But they weren't in Camp-Half Blood.

When Luna arrived at the Big House Chiron was sitting on the porch playing a muggle card game with a man who reminded her of herself every time she looked in the mirror. He had that little twinkle in his eye that people told her made her look insane.

But he radiated body odor, so Luna pushed the thought aside.

Luna was a little afraid to announce her presence so she waited while she heard the screams and laughter of kids in the background.

Luna was relieved that Chiron noticed her first.

"Hello, Luna, nice to see you've made it." He said with relief in his voice as if he thought she wasn't going to make it. "I'll assign a camper to show you around, you can stop by cabin 11 first, drop your stuff off, although I recommend keeping valuables on your person, cabin 11 has been known to have sticky fingers."

When he finished he waved his fingers around for emphasis.

Then the other man noticed her.

"Oh great, another one," and then he went back to shuffling cards, but Luna saw out of the corner of her eye him sending curious glances in her direction. Luna's heart started pounding. Could he know?

"Don't mind Mr. D, he's the camp director. He's just a little cranky that he lost again." Luna seriously doubted it was just because he lost a card game, and every time she tried to catch him staring at her he would be shuffling the cards again as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Is that what people thought of her?

Luna almost started crying, but she didn't. It wouldn't be that way here.

Or would it?

Don't think that way Luna, she thought.

Evidently, a camper strolled up to the big house before she could continue musing.

"Chiron, the Stolls dumped Drew's shoes in the Lake, and she's raging. Now the Stolls have pink hair and stole Drew's other shoes, and threw those into the lake too. Drew doesn't know yet, but I don't think it'll be very pretty."

"Ah, that is a problem. Say, Malcolm," Chiron told the older boy with blonde hair and grey eyes. "Why don't you show Young Miss Luna around, while I deal with this... dilemma."

Luna Lovegood's Other, Crazier HalfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang