And It All Begins

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Luna woke to an owl knocking on the window. She rushed to open the window. In came a barn owl with a letter attached to the leg. It hopped onto Luna's shoulder and pecked her ear in affection.

Daughter of Athena thing, she figured.

Luna opened the letter in excitement.

She let out of thoughtful sigh.

Hogwarts, what an adventure that would be, but she still had one more summer to get through.

And it would be the most interesting one yet.

"LUNA!" Greeted Malcolm rushing up to her with his arms spread out prepping to pick her up and swing her about.

Luna ducked just in time, and Malcolm's arms just managed to squeeze her in a tight. hug.

"You've grown," he stated stepping back and appraising her, and in fact she had, but she was still quite short.

"So have you," which was again true, because Malcolm now towered over her despite her recent growth spurt.

Malcolm walked back to camp and she began with the usual routine once more. Until capture the flag one day.

Luna watched as the black-haired boy got out of the water, surrounded by creatures only Luna could see, and the trident above his head. She knew the stakes. She knew he wasn't supposed to be there. She knew what happened to the tree. And she knew what Annabeth had told her the year before, that Luna wouldn't have her volleyball partner for most of that year, because Annabeth's destiny was tied to his. She saw the little creatures jump from the boy to Annabeth. It was the start of something great. Luna felt it deep within her magic bones. Great powers were stirring, and Luna had to be careful to stay because she felt that the knowledge she had, could destroy the worlds and reduce them to nothing but ash. It was a dangerous world that she lived on the brink of. She thought carefully. She sighed. It wasn't much of a talkative summer for Luna. It was the Summer as she watched the creatures take over her sanctuary. They gathered on people. People she didn't know very well, but she was scared about what they meant. Malcolm didn't have any though. That made Luna happy. She didn't have to stare at the creatures when Malcolm was around. She looked at him, because that was all he was, himself, not a head full of one of the strange beings she would see.

The cabins practiced their skills more than ever. It was as if the entirety of the camp knew something big was about to go down, and they needed to be prepared when it did.

Annabeth left on her quest and received a distant farewell from Luna.

"Don't let the time control your emotions."

It felt like the right thing to say.

Annabeth just hugged Luna and said her goodbyes.

"Never change for anyone Luna."

Luna didn't think that would be much of a problem.

"Malcolm, did you know that there are little creatures that look funny and are just about everyone," Luna told Malcolm as they looked at clouds on the beach.

"Mmmhhhh, okay..."

"There are Nargels and Snare lacks, and these weird warty toad things, anyway, they're kind of hard to see."

"I'm sure Luna," said Malcolm, nodding his head like he did when he knew Luna was saying something that was supposed to make sense but didn't.

"I wish you could see them too."

"Maybe one day you find a way to show me, and then I can see them too."

Luna discovered that maybe her greatest desire was for someone else to see them too. It was something she was just going to have to look into.

"I'm going to go to boarding school Malcolm."

"You'll still IM me, right?"

"As much as I can, but it might be better if you write letters."

"I do I get the letters to you?"

"Just ask the owls," Malcolm couldn't help but chuckle. It was the craziest thing, and yet, he still loved his sister.

"What do I tell the Owls."

"Oh, the usuals, please and thank you, beg your pardon, no don't, that's very rude," and Luna went on and on about how to conduct a conversation with an owl.

Malcolm had no idea that part of those things, was what you truly had to do.

Let's just say the first letter he sent to Luna did not make it there in one piece.

A month. Oops. Me bad. I can't take all the blame though. It's BANDTOBER, and that's a good portion of my time. I won't lie, I write most of my stories to and from places for school-related activities. I'm in two. Band and Cross Country. Got to learn to love the bus.

Anyway, sorry for the grammar, inconsistencies, and anything else I missed. Only own the plot.

I hope you're not as sane as I am (I sincerely hope you're sane),


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