Not Incomplete

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Luna Lovegood was a demigod. Chiron the centaur, a creature she was familiar with had explained it to her that fateful day with the hellhound.

She was the daughter of a Greek goddess who now resided in America. She was also a witch, and even as the age of nine, she understood the difference between the world Chiron was talking about and the world were Luna had grown up in. She understood that sometimes being unaware was the best option. She had seen the way some wizards despised muggles. She would make sure that didn't happen with her life.

At the age of nine, as Chiron explained to her the lifestyle of demigod, she made a vow to keep her worlds separate. Then Chiron started talking about the monsters.

So when Chiron asked her who she was, she allowed herself to tell Chiron the centaur her name was Luna Lovegood, she was visiting America with her father, they had been camping in the forest, when she was chased by a monster.

It was an experience to Luna to be believed when she talked about the monsters she saw, by anyone other than her father that is.

She liked to be believed.

After Luna explained how she saw monsters everywhere, Chiron looked a little confused, and according to him, he was really old, so Luna stopped talking about the things she saw.

It appeared Luna was still be a freak, in several definitions of the word and worlds.

There was something that had been bugging her since the beginning of her conversation with Chiron. Her father. She had been discussing what to do with Chiron all throughout the night. Now that the sun was beginning to rise upon the Manhattan skyline, it was time to make a decision.

Luna knew what she wanted to do. Chiron had said it would be ok, and she figured that would be ok.

Luna had Chiron lead he back to the tent, but she didn't lead him too close, she didn't

want him to see the magic of the tent. Just as Luna hoped, she could hear the unearthly snores of her father. Chiron stopped at the entrance of the tent, making Luna on edge.

"Are you sure Luna?"

Luna was bit distracted because she had realized that an inch in front of the centaurs left hoof was her father's wand. She tried her hardest not to look at it, but to Luna's nine-year-old brain, it was like it was a piece of candy that was dangling in front of the child's face.

"Positive," Luna responded making sure she was looking at the centaur when she said it.

"All right, if you need anything before summer, you know where to find us."

Luna nodded and held her breath as Chiron turned to leave.

Luna let up a pent up breath as Chiron exited the clearing. She went down to pick up herd father's wand, but right before she touched it, she heard Chiron clopping back.

"Oh and Luna," he said whilst appearing back at the clearing. "Do be safe, and I hope everything turns out okay. And for the love of gods, the ants won't bother you in this part of the forest," he said looking at Luna's hand in the dirt.

Luna wasn't sure how to respond to that and settled on kicking the remains of a nearby fire they had lit the night before.

Then, Chiron trotted away again. Luna counted to ten in her head before picking up the wand. Keeping her secret would be harder than she originally thought, but she had made a vow to herself, and she would keep it.

But first, she had to figure out a way to explain to father how she wanted to go to an American summer camp every summer.

It was only winter break, she had a few more months.

A few more months of being delusional Luna.

Then she could be less delusional Luna for a few months.

Luna smiled as she walked back into the tent clutching her father's wand tightly in her hands. She was happy. The little tug in her gut that told her she was missing something wasn't there anymore, Luna had discovered herself. That made her smile. She wasn't incomplete.

Though, her smile made her look a little like she wasn't completely sane, and as a witch and a demigod, she didn't have anything really to be sane for.

That didn't however, change the fact that she was tired, and as soon as she hit her pillow, her pajamas smelly and dirty and covered in tears, she was out like a light.

Morning came all too soon, with a head splitting story about bear cubs and accidental magic to her father.

Because Luna made a vow.

Hey, so I did stuff. Still don't own stuff. Maybe just the plot. Thanks for reading this and sorry for any inconsistencies and mistakes. If you follow this story I applaud you, you can understand the odd logic that goes on in my brain. Also, there will be more dialogue in the upcoming chapters, I hope. Sorry this was short.

Hope your not as sane as I am,


Luna Lovegood's Other, Crazier HalfWhere stories live. Discover now