Welcome Back

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Luna was excited to go back to camp as a ten-year-old. She wouldn't have to set foot in the Hermès Cabin. She wouldn't have to make sure all of her stuff was where she left it. She could read to her heart's content. It made Luna giddy all over just thinking about it.

Luna had been even more wistful all year long yearning for the smell of pine trees, sweat, and singed hairs of camp. It was an odd thing to wish for, but Luna was surely an odd girl.

At camp, she could be Luna, the daughter of Athena, not Loony Luna, the girl who was crazy in the head.

The camp was home. Even if she couldn't do magic.

"I'll be alright father," Luna told her father outside the boundary. "I made it through last year, I'll be able to make it through this year." Luna tried to placate her father.

"Oh I know, it's just another three months."

"Now shoo, before you make a scene," Luna said making shoeing motions with her hands.

Finally, her father disapperated, leaving Luna free to walk into camp trudging her bags behind her.

She reached the boundary where she was greeted by her half-brother, Malcolm. She had contacted him through Iris Message, the magical demigod communication system, which Luna had to admit, was much better than the wizarding system of sending owls.

She also preferred not to send owls to her siblings, which may not have been that suspicious as children of Athena, but still a little weird.

Malcolm had seemed excited when she told him she was coming, and he looked ten times as excited now. He grabbed her back from her hands and said, "just like old times huh?"

"Like old times," said Luna grinning a little awkwardly, she was still getting used to American muggle slang.

That was how Luna's summer began.

Malcolm took Luna to the Athena cabin, she had explored it a little bit before she had to leave again as summer ended. This time she would spend a whole summer in there this time. A whole summer to get to know her new siblings.

Luna did like her new siblings, but they were a little weird to her. Though everyone was a little weird to Luna because she certainly didn't make it easy for them to be normal.

Her siblings were friendly enough for Luna to feel comfortable.

She didn't feel like a lunatic for seeing monsters everywhere.

Malcolm helped Luna unpack in her little space in the Athena Cabin, which was much larger than her little space and nook in the Hermès Cabin. She had just finished unpacking when most of her half-siblings walked in.

Seeing as how Luna didn't get much time to bond last time, introductions weren't required but conversations about books were.

"What's your favorite book..."

"Have you read..."

"These books are located here in our library..."

"You shouldn't bother Annabeth when she's reading..."

"Do you know where I could find a copy of..."

And so on and so forth.

It was truly kids of Athena.

Luna couldn't help but be happy.

She also fell in love with the Athena Cabin's library.

Books lined the walls and she had to admit, the selection was impressive.

Luna Lovegood's Other, Crazier HalfWhere stories live. Discover now