Another New Friend

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Luna knew there was a monster at Hogwarts five days before the attack on Mrs. Norris, the cat. She had seen the little creatures start to act strangely. The placid Fiddlewomps were hiding in corners. The usually jumpy Trunkles sat on mantles so still she wouldn't realize they were there. The Nargles that sat upon people's heads were jumping so frantically from one head to another, Luna almost lost her mind.

Luna had seen creatures act like this before, it usually only happened when there was a really dangerous monster in the area. It really didn't bode well for Luna's safe, supposedly monster-free Hogwarts.

At first, she thought her presence had done something to awaken an old monster inside Hogwarts, but after the whole Chamber of Secrets thing, and the attacks on muggle-borns, Luna knew it wasn't just her. Though, that made Luna all the more scared. She was a daughter of Athena, she needed to know things, she was observant, and she most definitely wasn't used to not knowing.

Except for not knowing the reason she saw things no one else did, wizard or demigod.

Luna spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. She was blanking out more than usual, getting lost in trains of thoughts. Even for a Ravenclaw, she was eccentric, or at least, that's what some people said. Luna was so absorbed with the problem at hand she never noticed that she stopped making sense to the people around her. Eventually, she ended up stop paying attention to people at all.

That's why, when she started paying attention to Ginny again, she knew it was too late, or maybe it wasn't.

"Are you alright Ginny?" She would ask. "You've got lots of Rackletoes. They usually only find people in crisis."

"I'm alright Luna," she would mumble in a way Luna knew she was not alright.

It went on like that for most of the year, until Ginny finally got tired and told Luna what was wrong.

"I've met talking books before, but most just want to talk," Luna recalled the enchanted encyclopedia in the Athena Cabin. "I'd imagine one that wants to listen isn't exactly a book."

"I know it's not, but I don't know what to do. I'm scared."

"You know, sometimes when I feel troubled. I throw things into the bathroom. It's refreshing in its own way." Luna recalled the time she threw a pair of shoes at Malcolm because someone was taking too long in the bathroom.

Luna hadn't meant for Ginny to take it seriously.

Of course, she didn't know that until second year, she just thought her new friend just didn't like Luna anymore. It was a rough way to think, but Luna knew she wasn't exactly an easily acquired taste.

So with Ginny being distant, Luna needed a new friend. It wasn't that she was too odd to make one. Luna was well aware that she could tone down her oddity, but she didn't want to. Hogwarts should let her be who she wants to be.

That was when she met the ghost.

Luna was looking for her shoes in one of Hogwart's corridors during dinner when she heard a voice.

"You're a daughter of Athena, aren't you?"

Luna didn't look surprised, but in truth, she was, just a little bit.

She quickly turned around, her knuckles white as they clasped around her wand, only to relax her grip at the sight of the loneliest looking ghost Luna had ever seen.

"Why, hello Hogwart's ghost, yes, I'm Athena's daughter," she greeted.

If the ghost could look more sullen, she did now.

"Yes, yes, that makes sense. You remind me of my mother, the great Rowena Ravenclaw.

"Instead of taking the compliment, which was definitely not a compliment, Luna drew her conclusion first. "Oh, that must make you Helena Ravenclaw"

The Grey Lady looked slightly less grey.

"My mother informed me that very few demi wizards exist, she was always bragging about it. It's a pleasure to meet one not related to me."

Luna registered the ghost's first comment. Ravenclaw was the daughter of Athena. It made sense, so Luna knew better than to point out the fact that technically, they were related. Luna did know when to not say something.

Most of the time.

And judging from the ghost's dreadful look, Luna figured a change in topic was required."Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you too, at the moment I'm just trying to figure out where the Trilltors put my shoes." This was obviously true, as Luna currently didn't have any shoes on. "They do like to steal my shoes."

"You know, my mother suffered the same problem, but she simply called them shoe stealing beasties."

"That's not a very nice name."

"I assume they're not very nice creatures."

"Well, sometimes, only the Knacklewarts are ever truly bad all the time, but I suppose..." then Luna stopped. She breathed. Maybe she squealed. If Rowena Ravenclaw saw the monsters, and she says the monsters, did that mean...

"Helena, did your mother ever tell you why she saw the monsters?"

"Yes, she was very proud, so she would never let anyone who thought she was seeing things, think she was crazy. My mother made sure anyone who cared knew that she saw a monster because she was a demi wizard. She was able to see the monsters of the Wizarding World."

*Dramatic Music rises to a climax*

I'm sure you all knew that was coming, but we got there.

I hope you're not as sane as I am,

(Actually, I hope you saner than I am, but if you're not that's okay too),


Luna Lovegood's Other, Crazier Halfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें