Making New Friends

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It was odd trying to be someone completely different.

In the demigod world, Luna was just weird, but in the wizarding world, she was an eccentric: Loony Lovegood. Luna knew she would never get rid of that impression, especially since that was the way she would always have to live, but what did that matter, she had lived more than most wizards ever would by choosing to live the life of a demigod. Luna would never settle for just one life when she could live two.

She could adapt to the wizarding world, she had all her life. She had to for her father. The man needed joy in his life more than any other person she knew.

The only problem with adapting to being a wizard was Ginny Weasley made her homesick.

Luna had heard of the Weasley's. Who hadn't? But what made Ginny so special was that she was tougher than any wizard Luna knew. Sure she was shy, but Luna had been around Athena campers, they too, could come off as shy and reserved. Of course, that didn't mean you couldn't underestimate them.

Luna could tell Ginny had been and would be underestimated far too often and for far too long.

When Ginny walked into the compartment, Luna hadn't registered it at first. She was too busy trying to figure out where the Hogwunkle that had stolen her sock went when Ginny came in. When Luna finally registered her presence it was a bit more than awkward.

"I'm sorry do you need something?"

"Oh, no," Ginny said taken aback by Luna's unfocused eyes, as they always got unfocused when she tried looking for the little creatures for too long. "I was just looking for a compartment."

"Well, you can sit here if you'd like. Just mind the Hogwunkle, he's a little thief."

Ginny tried not to make a face and sat down in the compartment.

That was when Luna knew Ginny would be a tough cookie to crack, and she would be a good friend.

Luna needed a friend that wasn't related to her in some odd crazy way.

Ok, sorry. I know it's short, but I want to sleep.

Merry Christmas,


Luna Lovegood's Other, Crazier HalfWhere stories live. Discover now