9 (f)

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this part is about your first time meeting dua. DUA WAS NOT FAMOUS YET!

your pov:

it was january of 2017. i had just turned 21 in december of 2016. my best friend, Victoria, wanted to take me to a bar. victoria was already 22 and had gone to bars a million times. she said that it was the on,y time she could take me to a bar because she was going to italy for a few months. she is italian so she usually spends a few months a year there.

"come on, you should try drinking for the first time!" victoria exclaimed.
"uhh... i don't know vic." i told her.
"come on, you don't have to get blackout drunk like i always do!" she said.
"okay fine-"YAY!" victoria cut me off.
"BUT! only if i can borrow a dress." i said.
"sure you can choose any dress from my closet." victoria said.

we were already at her house so we just went up to her room and chose a dress from her closet. i chose a short black glittery one. it was a little bit showy because i never really wear crop tops and shorts and shit like that so i was a little nervous but i was ok. we left home and went to the bar at 9:30 at night. victoria said it was a little later than she would usually go but it will work. we arrived at the bar and she bought me a drink.

"thanks vic." i said.
"no problem! i'm gonna go find some guy to hook up with." she said.
"what you are just gonna leave me here?" i asked.
"sorry" victoria left right after she said that.

the bartender gave me my drink and i just sat on a stool alone as i tried the drink. i took a sip and and made a face because it was so strong.

"too strong for you?" this girl behind me asked and smiled.
"haha a little, it's my first time drinking" i replied.
"aww, let me buy you a drink!" she asked.
"please dont, i kinda just wanna go home because my friend left me here and i have no idea what to do." i said.
"what? don't leave, stay here! you can hangout with me." she said.
"uhh, okay fine" i said.
"i'm dua, dua lipa." dua said.
"that's nice, i'm Y/N" i said.
"aww, how old are you!" she asked.
"im 21, what about you?" i said.
"i'm 22" dua replied.

i just smiled because i didn't really know how to reply to that lmao.

"why don't you just let me buy you a drink." dua said.
"ugh ok fine." i said nervously.

she bought me a drink called a sunrise. i wasn't sure what it was, the names were so weird, there was like something called "sex on the beach". what the hell is that name?
the bartender handed her the drink and she thanked him.

"here take this" she said.

i took the drink from her hand and looked into it and turned it a little as i was inspecting the drink, i was scared to try it. i took a sip of the drink and looked at her and smiled.

"it's good right?" dua asked.
"wow it is good." i said.
"why don't we go sit outside." dua asked.
"okay!" i grabbed my drink and followed her out the door.

we sat on the ledge of the side walk so that our legs were on the rode and we were seated on the ground.

"thanks" i said.
"hah for what?" dua asked.
"for tonight" i said.
"oh no problem!" she smiled.
"you know i never really open up to people. i have had anxiety since i was really young and i got nervous talking to people because i'm a little different. i mean i am bisexual, i am tall, no one really likes tall people i don't know why." i explained.

dua just smiled.

"and i feel like i have known you for my whole life but actually i just met you like 1 hour ago. thanks for being so nice to me tonight, i really don't know how to thank you." i said.
"i don't know what to say" dua said.
"i don't know what else to say" i smiled.
"don't say anything" she grabbed me hand and smiled.

we just sat there, held hands, and looked at the stars for like 2 minutes.

"you know i am bisexual too" dua said.
"you are?" i asked.
"yeah but everyone is always like 'you never dated or kissed a girl so you are just straight' i'm not straight." she said.
"i've kissed a girl." i laughed.
"you have?" dua asked.

i turned my head looked at dua. i put my hand on her chin and pulled her forward. we kissed for like 5 seconds until we both slowly pulled away.

"now i have." i said.
"now i don't know what to say" dua said.
"i'm sorry i shouldn't have kissed you" i said and looked down.
"no no i liked it, i really like you too, i just am surprised" dua said.

she turned around and kissed me. it made me feel a lot better because i thought she would hate me after. i got her phone number too, just incase i ever wanted to see her again, which i did.

"do you need a ride home?" dua asked.
"yeah actually, my friend is probably getting fucked by some crusty man" i said.
"oooh she curses too" dua smiled.
"yeah the fuck i do" i just said that to make her laugh. she indeed did laugh.
"come on let's go to my car." dua said.

we walked to her car and got in. i could feel the tension in the air. i really wanted to kiss her again but i didn't know if she would want to. we got in the car and she sat in the drivers seat, i sat in the passengers seat. she looked at me and i looked at her and we kissed. after a few seconds, i pulled away, i smiled too.

lmk if you guys want a part 2 on this <3

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