23 (f)

519 8 2

key points:
-you and dua are roommates.
-you both secretly have feelings for each other.
-your pov.

8:00 pm...

"come on we gotta go!" dua said in a hurry.
"down in a minute!" i yelled down the stairs as i was putting a claw clip in my hair.

me and dua had movie tickets for 8:15. we kinda lost track of time because we were just baking cookies and smoking weed all day. there is really nothing better to.

"you look nice" dua smiled.
"oh so do you" i giggled.

we left the house and got into the car. we had bought snacks the day before because we were in walmart last night and we got them while we were there.


8:18 pm...

"shit, we probably missed the previews!" dua said while we were stepping into the screening.
"shhhh... there are probably other people here." i said.
"umm... it looks like it's just us." dua giggled.
"okay i guess... talk all you want then!" i said while walking to our seats.


8:54 pm...

"HOLY SHIT Y/N!" dua yelled.
"dramatic ass bitch" i whispered.
"mean" dua said while moving her eyebrows down.
"what it's not even scary dua" i giggled.
"it's less scary than what you look like in the morning" dua tried to hold in a laugh.
"okay dua.. i look scary in the morning... sure" i said.
"FUCK" dua got startled again by the movie. she gripped onto my hand tightly.
"okay fine it's kinda cute when you're scared" i laughed.


9:47 pm...

"i guess that was a good movie" dua said shrugging her shoulders.
"it was fine..." i said.
"why don't we go out for dinner?" dua asked.


10:22 pm...

"yeah i heard they broke up!" i said.
"did they really?" dua asked.
"oh the waiter is coming.... he's kinda hot" i warned dua.
"get his number!!!!" dua whispered back.
"hey ladies, my name is Jeremy and i will be your server for today. is there anything you would like to get started with, like an appetizer?" the waiter asked.
"ummmmm" i mumbled. i couldn't talk he was so gorgeous.
"i think we're ready to order" dua cut me off.

we finished ordering but it seemed like he was trying to flirt with me. dua kept telling me to get his number but i was too afraid to ask. by the end of the night, he left his number on the receipt and i didn't even ask! i also treated me and dua and payed for the whole thing.


11:19 pm...

"so you gonna call him?" dua asked.
"he did say his shift would be over by 11, but it's fine i'll call him later" i said.
"you know Y/N, you didn't really need to pay for me" dua said as we were driving home.
"i know i just wanted to treat my best friend out to dinner" i smiled.
"yeah but like you do this every time!" dua said.
"well oops" i said.
"no but seriously" dua said in a low voice.
"why do you care so much, if this isn't want you want, then i really couldn't care less. pay for you stuff then it's fine dua," i said angrily.
"okay but i'm saying you're always so busy making everyone else happy and then you forgot to do the same for yourself!" dua said.
"what makes you think i'm not happy?" i fought.
"all you do is smoke weed and cuss" dua said.
"that is not true dua!" i yelled back.
"um ok Y/N" dua laughed.

i stuck my hand in my purse and dug through it for a little until i found the little note on the receipt. all it said was:

052 507 5668
𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮 :)

"what are you doing?" dua asked.
"im gonna call him, maybe he'll come to our house and he can 'smoke weed and cuss' with me" i mocked dua.
"wait don't call him" dua said.
"ugh why?" i asked.
"im sorry Y/N... i swear i wish i could take back everything i've said in the last 5 minutes!" dua whined.
"i guess i-"

dua's lips were now on mine. i couldn't believe it. i had been waiting for this moment for years.

"i think i'm in love with you Y/N" dua whispered close to my lips.

i didn't answer and i just kissed her again.

"i think i'm in love with you to dua." i whispered close to her lips.

we both giggled and kissed again. we drove home and laughed about random shit the whole way back.

note from writer: wow! thanks for all the votes (41) i am so happyyyyy! also someone please remind me that i am not physically dating dua and it's just all in my head....

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