42 (f)

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"oh my god just kiss her! if you don't kiss her you will lose the game and you won't win this moneyyy" nina said.
"but- dua REMEMBER this doesn't mean anything in real life!! it's just a game!" you said, you didn't want to kiss dua even though it looked like she wanted to kiss you.
"fuck this" dua said as she passionately kissed you on the lips.

everyone around you was chanting, especially because dua wouldn't pull away until you pushed her off. you actually enjoyed the kiss except for the fact that everyone was watching you.

"holy shit YN i think-" dua got cut off by nina.
"you guys won! that means y'all each get 100 dollars!!" nina said.

"yessss!!!!" you and dua said as you both hugged each other tightly.

nina gave you each 100 dollars; in cash, and then told everybody to go to bed. nina was having a sleepover and you and dua were invited.

"so do you want to sleep here? everyone else is!" nina smiled.
"crap! i don't have my stuff!" dua said angrily.
"i have my clothes.. dua i have something for you because i knew you would forget yours." you smiled.
"aww thanks" dua said as she patted you on the back.

before you knew it, it was 2 in the morning.

"holy fuck its 2 am!" you whisper yelled to dua.
"mhm" dua said, even though that's not really a response.
"look at this cute video i saw earlier" you said as you pulled out your phone and showed dua a video.
"bro i'm kinda busy" she said in an irritated voice.

you grabbed her phone right out of her hand and stuck it in your butt pocket.

"tell me what's wrong!" you whisper yelled.
"bitch give me back my phone!" dua whisper yelled back.
"dua! ssshhh! i said to tell me what's wrong!" you whisper yelled.
"okay. okay. that kiss today, that was not fake. it was real! and before you kissed me when you kissed anthony it looked real too. you said you liked me!" dua whined.
"i mean i do like you but i'm not just gonna leave my door open and let you date me whenever you want!" you said back.
"well do you still like me, because i really hope that damn door is open right now." dua said.
"yes. i do still like you. and the door is open." you said.

it all happened so quickly, you blinked and then duas lips were on yours. holy shit, you thought. i finally got what i dreamed of.

"now give me my phone back!" dua whisper yelled.
"bro can you two love boys shut the hell up? we're trying to sleep!" nina yelled from across the room.

you and dua looked at each other and then butted out laughing. dua slowly grabbed your ass and pull her phone out of the pocket.



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