56 (f/s)

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*this chapter is inspired by the movie 'edge of seventeen'*

important points:
-kayden is dua's brother
-you and dua are best friends and have been since you were in first grade
-zack is your brother
-you and dua are both currently straight
-your pov

"dua! dua where are you!" i called out looking for dua.

she asked me to come to Amelia's party so that we could have fun and get drunk together. i had no idea where she went.

"duaaaa!! du-"
"i'm looking for dua too. i bet she's hooking up with someone in a room upstairs" kayden cut me off.
"oh. umm. should we look upstairs?" i asked.
"well, i wouldn't want to walk in on her fucking someone but she did say she was gonna stick around with you. and plus none of you guys have ever gotten drunk and you did want it to be the first time, together" kayden pointed out.
"damn, let's go up" i said.
"okay just i'll come up but your gonna open the doors to the rooms and i'll just stand outside of them because i don't wanna see her naked" kayden said.

me and kayden walked up the stairs just to see all the doors closed. i knew whatever door i opened was gonna lead to a whole ass porno.

"should we knock.. or just go in?" i questioned.
"fuck it go in" kayden said.

i slowly opened the door just to see Mary Meyers and Joey Carter having sex.

"ew! it's mary and joey!" i whisper yelled.

we walked to the next door and i decided to knock this time. ...no answer. i just opened the door and i saw Gavin Baxter and Nadine Henawy fucking eachother. Nadine was on top. tmi? sorry.

"nadine and gavin" i rolled my eyes.

there were two more rooms. we had to take our chances and go into both of them. we opened the first door and saw one girl masturbating. i don't even know her name! we got to the last door, we knew it was gonna be Dua and someone else so we peeked through the door.. but it wasn't her. it was Amelia's parents! they were having sex!

"get out! this place is out of bounds for teenagers!" her parents yelled.

we quickly just ran and we forgot to close the door. we walked downstairs in pity because we saw like 8 people having sex but we still couldn't find dua.

"dua! duaaa!" i yelled.
"i have to go to the bathroom one second YN" kayden said.

you followed him but you were just gonna wait outside the door. kayden opened the door and saw dua. not only dua... but zack too. they were hooking up in the bathroom!!

we just stared at each other for a solid 5 seconds.

"what the fuck dua! he's my brother! you can't be hooking up with him!" i yelled.
"i promise YN! it's not what it looks like. we're both drunk and we're making bad decisions!" dua said.
"dua you're not drunk. for sure. so shut the fuck up. get your clothes on and come out here because we have to talk" i said as i stormed off.

i ran outside. i sat on the steps of the front door and cried. i know i shouldn't be crying but i overthink every fucking thing until it gets to the point where i can't sleep at night.

i heard the door opening behind me.

"YN?" kayden said.

he was standing behind me. he came and sat beside me.

"YN i know how it feels. one time my friend, Tyrone, had sex with my best friend, Lilia. me and Lilia were basically sisters except we lived in different houses and had different parents." kayden said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"kayden you don't need to explain how it feels because i know exactly how it feels. i'm so fucking pissed off. i wish i could just sink into the floor and die" i said.
"do you need a hug?" kayden asked.
"yes please" i said.

we were hugging each other for a solid 10 seconds until i pulled away and kissed him. he was kissing me back too.

"YN!" dua yelled.
"dua! umm i can explain i swear!" i mumbled.

kayden just got up and ran somewhere.

"kayden come back here!" dua yelled.

he didn't come back.

"dua listen to me. i promise it was just for like a second and i don't even wanna continue our relationship. we're still just friends i swear" i exclaimed.

"i know YN. i did something way worse though. and i'm really sorry i swear. i don't even know why we did it. i swear to god. i honestly don't even like him. it was spur of the moment and i really just needed the feeling" dua poured out.
"the feeling of love. where you feel loved" i said.
"you know" dua said.
"that's why i kissed kayden. i needed to feel like someone loved me" i said.
"YN i have to tell you something" dua said.
"you're not dating my brother!"
"i know. it's about dating someone else." dua said.
"do i know them?" i asked.
"YN 'them' is not someone you know. it's you YN. i am in love with you" dua said in a really raspy british accent.
"oh. uhm"

i just kissed her. i didn't say anything i just went in for a kiss and then we were making out on the front door steps.

"so are we like... a thing?" i asked.
"i'm up for it" dua said.

i kissed her again.

"i love you"
"i love you too"


hope y'all enjoyed this one! pls give ideas for further chapters! i might end this story if i don't update a lot too. love you guys x

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