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pov: you and dua are 13 years old and you're at the mall together (ik kinda random but this is what you guys GET when you don't give me ideas!! kidding no i just can't think of anything else love you guys

"dua what store are you in?" you asked through the phone.
"i'm at top shop, come, they have some cute things. you might like them" dua said through the phone.
"fine i'm just gonna go to the bathroom then i'll come"

you went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. there was a huge blood stain right in front. you got your period, the first one. you went into pure panic mode, i mean what else are you gonna do? it was a new pair of flared army green pants. you went into a stall and cried. you called dua.

"dua come to the bathroom quick" you cried.
"what's wrong?" dua said shakily.
"i've got my period" you said.

dua hung up. minutes later she showed up in the bathroom.

"YN what stall are you in?" she asked.

you stuck your foot out. "this one"

you unlocked the door for dua and she came in.

"holy fuck that stain!" dua said when she say the blood.
"how do i cover it?" you broke down crying again.
"calm down. i got some pants from top shop, you can wear them. i can buy you a new pair of pants if you'd like?" dua suggested.
"i'll wear the top shop ones but you don't have to buy me new ones. i need a tampon." you asked.
"hell no. you need a pad. tampons are for when you've got more experience... or when you lose your virginity" she put her hand close to her mouth and whispered.
"thanks" you said as you took the pad she was handing you.
"now settle down." dua wiped the tears from your face.
"thanks for that" you said.
"so you happy you're a woman now?" dua asked.
"well i'm thirteen" you said.
"but your gonna have boobs and a bigger ass before you know it" she said.
"i'm gonna look like one of those girls in playboy" you said.
"hmm no. but keep believing that" dua said.

you put on the pad and the new pants and got out of the stall. the pants didn't really match your shirt but as long as it doesn't scream 'bloody murder' on the ass.

"do you wanna go home? well we can go to the pharmacy a level down and get you some pads and period stuff" dua suggested.
"that would be great" you said.

you and dua were in the pharmacy. the corner in the back, to be specific. exactly where the period supplies were.

"so lets get you these pads, day and night, some liners, some travel sized advil, hmm and tampons for the future" dua said.

you looked at dua on the eye, causing some unusual tension.

"dua thanks for all your help." you said.

she grabbed your jaw and kissed you right on the lips. it was warm, and felt like it lasted a lifetime... except it was like 5 seconds. she used tongue and she held your ass while she was kissing you.

"fertile hottie" dua said.
"STOP" you said.
"i love you"
"i love you too"


hey so yeah this was different! it made me feel comfortable bc it kinda reminds me of the time i got my first period... also if anyone needs any period tips, don't be afraid to ask me. anyways i fucking wanna die. i'm sick rn because i got the flu shot and the booster in the same week. i'm literally abt to throw up. anyways yeah i'm dying but i hope y'all are doing well 🖤


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