10 (f)

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there is no dialogue in this story in is just an imagine.
your pov:

it was duas first time flying on an actual airplanes that isn't her private jet so she was a little nervous. we had booked first class tickets because they were on sale for 5000 dollars. that might seem like a lot but you know, we're celebrities. we were going to the maldives for summer vacation.

2 hours later we boarded the plane and we literally fell in love with our seats. how do i explain this in the best way possible, it was basically 2 seats connected that could recline back and become beds but always we could push this button and it would put walls around us. we could also put a ceiling on top of us. we also had 1 large tv rather than 2 small ones and we could watch movies together or spilt the screen and watch our own stuff. we had these white fluffy comforter blankets that could heat up. the whole was so luxurious, that's probably why they were 5,000 dollars each. we had been making a lot of money anyway, her album had just went platinum and i was in a new movie so our lives were going great.

we decided to watch a movie together, ponyo. it was dua's favorite movie. she was obsessed with anime and her favorite was ponyo. i liked it too, i used to love it when i was younger. i was like 10 when it came out and dua was like 12 i don't know.

we had connected to the iAir internet and dua facetimed Bella, (bella hadid which is her friend), to show her Dexter and ask how things were going. the internet wasn't the best but we still had a could connection with Bella. she showed us Dex and he looked really happy. he looked like he missed us too, he probably didn't because he doesn't understand, but you know, we can just tell.

2 hours later, we had been served some food. we got breakfast because it was like 1 pm even though that's more like a lunch time. we got sausages and eggs. they were pretty good for airplane food but when can you expect, it's airplane food. on the side, we got a cup of fruit which you cannot go wrong with, and a roll of bread. the bread was cold, which was weird, so their very expensive butter wouldn't melt. butter is always good no matter what, like it's always good, on literally anything. i rated the meal a 7.5/10 and dua rated an 8/10. it was fine.

we still had 7 hours left of the flight. we were already in there for 3 hours, i didn't think dua was gonna last 10 hours. maybe like 5 hours but definitely not ten, dua was kinda inpatient. i wasn't wrong, she kept complaining when we had about 4 hours left. we decided to watch another movie, which was Alita: Battle Angel. she said her song was in it but i didn't believe her. we still watched it anyways. 45 minutes later, her song started playing in the background, it was Swan Song.

soon, we only had 2 hours left. we got another meal and it was actually pretty good. it was breaded chicken and macaroni. the macaroni was good, i was impressed. the chicken was just, okay. then on the side we got a dessert, which was a cup of chocolate mouse. that was good because you actually can't go wrong with chocolate. i rated the meal a 9/10 and dua rated it a 9.5/10.

soon, we had 1 hour left. we decided to watch on our split screens. a few minutes later, i started to feel turbulence. dua gets anxiety from it so i was holding her. she looked really scared because she was laying all the way back on her seat, put her head back, and  lifted her chin up.

30 minutes later, we landed. we got off the plane and took our suitcases from the roller thing.there weren't many people so dua stood on it and she slowly started moving across the baggage claim thing. we got our luggage and waited for our taxi. we then arrived at our luxurious hotel.

vote for part 2! also 'love again' music video out in an hour!!

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