Chapter 44 - Just keeps getting worse and worse

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It's later that shift and Natalie has done nothing but stare at the box sitting on her bed. She constantly feels like someone is watching her even though there is only one window in her quarters. She has read the note over an over again trying to see if she recognises the handwriting but her mind stays blank. Every time someone walks by she jumps thinking it's the mystery man or woman.  Minutes pass until there is a knock at the door
"Hey" Kelly says calmly
But Natalie doesn't respond
"You okay?" Kelly asks moving the box to sit on Natalies bed
"Don't move it!" Natalie shouts
"Okay! Sorry" Kelly says as he calmly takes his hands off of the box
"Ugh no, it's just me being problematic as usual!" Natalie says rubbing her temples
"Tell me what's going on" Kelly says as he kneels down in front of her and takes her hands in his
"It's nothing! I have a ton of paperwork to do! And on top of that half of my men hate me! And my quarters are a mess! And I promised Boden that I would watch Terence for him later!" Natalie says distraughtly
"Hey! Shhh! It's okay! You get a head start on the paperwork and I'll clean your quarters! Then we can watch Terrence together! Take him out for ice cream or something?" Kelly says as Natalie smiles at him
"Thank you" Natalie says as she pulls him into a hug
It's the end of shift and Kelly has left early to go and pick up Terrence from Donna. Natalie is walking to her car making sure she checks everything around her. She gets into her car and checks her mirrors. As she is driving she notices a car following her then her phone starts to ring and she picks up
"Texting and driving are we?" A mans voice says
"Who is this?" Natalie asks starting to break out in a sweat
"Oh can't you see me? In the car behind you?!" The man says as he laughs scarily
"What do you want with me?" Natalie asks taking a sharp turn trying to loose him
"Oh you can't loose me Principessa!" The man says as he follows her
"What did you just call me?" Natalie says with her breathing starting to get heavy
"Oh that's right! Only your grandmother has ever called you that!" The man says
"What do you want from me?!" Natalie screams as she doesn't pay attention to the road
As she is screaming she doesn't notice that she ran a stoplight so she drives right out onto the main road. Before she realises a car collides into he side of hers causing her car to flip and everything to go black
"Looks like my job here is done!" The man says as he drives away

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