Chapter 12

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I was woken by a knock on my window, thinking it was just a tree branch, I ignored it. Then another came, and another one, and another one. I groan and got up, walking to my window. I sleepily pull my curtains away and closed my mouth to prevent me from screaming, it was Sam. What is he doing here?! it's like 11 PM! 

"Sam?! What are you doing here?! It's almost midnight!" I hissed at him. 

He put a finger on his plump, sweet li- stop, Prey, stop. Motioning me to be quiet. He got out a piece of paper and showed it to me.

It says "Change your clothes, we're going somewhere" Then he smiled and took another paper that says "I won't look"

I rolled my eyes and close the curtain to change my outfit. Just sweats and a loose tank top, also an over-sized sweater. I open the curtains a minute later to reveal Sam looking at the stars. His blue eyes were sparkling like he's been crying. His jaw line and his cheekbones popped out of the shadow. Sam looked at me, and I snapped out of my thoughts. 

He motioned me to open my windows and I gave him the "are-you-crazy?!" look. He chuckled and opened my window. It was a sliding window, so I guess, it's pretty easy. I took my Converse and put it on. He lend me a hand, I hesitated, what if my brothers find out I'm missing? I pushed that thought away and took his hand. It was large compared to my small hands. I stepped onto my nightstand and let him hug my waist, carrying me outside. I carefully closed the curtains and windows together. I nodded, motioning him that I'm ready to go. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

He has a backpack slung on his right shoulder and smiled.

"Well, that's for me to know, and for you to find out," he then winked at me. 

I could feel blood rush up on my cheek. We jumped from my roof, it was pretty low, so, I wouldn't worry that much. 

"Now, my lady, we, are going to walk" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I missed walking, all this time I rode transportation, and it made me pretty lazy. But this is a good work-out I guess. We walked down the street, our hands linked together. It was weird because, we barely know each other. As we walked further, I saw a tree, and there were lights around the tree. I know exactly what's going on. I looked at him and smiled. I guess we're having a picnic. 

"Looks like you found out," He laughed silently. 

I was thinking out loud, of course, typical Prey. We reached the tree and he took out a blanket form his backpack, and spread it open. While he prepare the picnic, I look around the field near the tree, I gaze up, and billions of stars were blinking. It was amazing. I smiled and started drawing imaginary lines to form a shape. I then felt a warm touch on my shoulder. I turn around and saw Sam. He nodded, meaning that it's done. We walked to the picnic area and it was amazing. I sit down across him and he offered me a plate of spaghetti. 

"Hope you like spaghetti,"

I smiled and took it along with a fork "I love it!"

We started to eat and chat and I look around for more food after I finished a plate of spaghetti. There's a lot. He's definitely the man for me. As we chat more and more. I started to feel something I had never felt for a long time. Love. My heart beats faster. I tried to still play it cool, but I couldn't, because every time I talked, I stuttered.  After we finished eating, I realized that there was some pizzas left behind him. But before I could make a move, he grabbed my hand and helped me stand up. 

"Come on" He shifts his head to the tree. 

He helped me climb the tree as I sat on a branch. Then he climbed up and sat down besides me. We looked up at the stars, and I broke the silence.

"It's beautiful, thank you"

He looked at me "Not as beautiful as you, though"

I blushed deep red and chuckle. I lay my head on his shoulder and let my feet dangle underneath. It was tense, and I was afraid that I will fall. But with him, I felt safe. A moment later, we were back at the picnic area, sitting and chatting. Again. i could never get bored of his flirty jokes and his cute laugh. I was getting hungry again and decided to take the pizza that was behind him. I leaned in closer to him as my hand extended. I was an inch apart from him. And I could feel his warm breath on my face. 

"I think we should leave now" He smiled. 

I nodded and helped him clean up. We walked back to my house, our hand linked together, and my head laying down on his shoulder. We were underneath my roof which we came down from about an hour ago. He lift me up with his arms around my waist. And when I reached my tiny balcony. I got into my room and waved my hand out the window. He waved back at me and started to jog down the street. To his house, I guess. I closed the windows and and curtains. I was too happy to even thought to sleep. I changed my clothes and brush my teeth again. I then lay down on my bed, falling asleep slowly, into the world of dream.


Okay, something happened and SOMEHOW this chapter is pretty long. Last chapter wasn't long, I hope that this could make it up for you? I love you guys. Good night, I have school tomorrow and I'm updating this on 11:00 PM. 


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