His care

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Nausea compelled Sibel to wakeup early in the morning.she freed herself from Ramo,s hold and rushed inside the washroom.Feeling movement around him Ramo to woke up. Sibel was not beside him and horrible sounds were coming from the washroom.
Immediately,he got off the bed and followed Sibel inside. Thankfully this time she not locked the door.
Sibel was throwing up, holding her belly with one hand and the water tap with other. Ramo came behind her.He removed her hand from the tap, opened it so the water rushed in and later, tied her hair with hairband lying aside.
" it's fine, it's ok" he patted her back when he found sibel's eyes were glistening with tears.
Ramo was unable to see the horrible situation "Gülüm " was in.
Once done, Sibel cleaned herself and snaked her arms around Ramo's waist.
Ramo cupped her face.
" were you going trough all this since the past few weeks ? he asked
Sibel nodded
" why won't you tell me gülüm "he asked disappointedly
Sibel remained silent.
He helped Sibel to enter room.
Sibel smiled seeing his delicate treatment.
He made her sit on a chair in front of the dresser. Then he knelt down in front of her.
"How are you feeling "he asked holding her hand.
"I am fine, aşkım, it's common in pregnancy"Sibel said.
"How many times have you been pregnant " he asked.
Sibel bit her tongue.
"Aşkım" I talked to the doctor. She says it's common, so it must be common.Sibel reasoned.
Ramo hummed, who is your gynaecologist? He asked, O my god gülüm! I didn't even ask this question.How could I? He stressed.
Sibel placed her arms on his shoulder, relex, it's fine.My doctor is " Esrabilgic " she is one of the best doctor in Istanbul.
Ramo nodded
I want to meet her, he said.
We have an appointment tomorrow. She wants to talk to you too, Sibel informed.
Ramo nodded.
"Just one request "Sibel spoke.
What? He asked.
"Don't eat her head with your overprotective questions" Sibel requested, though she knew better.
"I will try" he said.
Sibel smiled, knowing very well what his " try" means.
After a while ,she frowned and exclaimed,Ramo!
Ramo looked at her in a sense of worry,what happened? Is it paining somewhere?
"It's not about me, but the baby" she said.
Ramo was in deep confusion,
" Did she kick you"he murmured.
"Babies don't kick so early " she snapped at him.
Then? He asked.
" Sibel held his hand, the one that was on her belly.Ramo looked at her. She cupped the left side of his face with her other hand.
"Are you happy "she asked.
Ramo furrowed his eyebrows, why won't i be happy "
"There were quite a few insistence in the past where you were - you were a bit irritated with kids" Sibel shared her worries
Ramo took a deep breath and then explained "gülüm yas i was bit sulky around kids. Yas,I said i was not ready for kids when you were more than eager to be a mother. But I never said that I don't want kid at all.And Even if I didn't, I would still try to get myself ready for our baby. I won't ignore her for my own comfort, Believe me gülüm, I am actually happy, He assured.
Sibel remained silent. He kissed her palm.
" Never think like that"it's your time to be happy and enjoy" Ramo said.
These are just random thoughts Ramo, I can't help. She explained.
It's totally fine, he assured cupping her face.
But never keep these thoughts to yourself.share them with me.
Sibel nodded.
Ramo stood on his feet and bent his head down to kiss her forehead. Sibel smiled.
Ramo sighed."I have decided for the next nine months I will work from home. Um- expect at times that require my urgent presence, He let her know.
"What Ramo" Sibel frowned, i was thinking to give you the responsibility of yildrim's industries for the next couple of years. And here you are bunking your work.
Gülüm "I am not" i will just work from home. And about your company, don't worry I'll take care of that too. Just arrange a meeting for me with the board of directors. he affirmed.
Sibel nodded and stood up to get her laptop. As soon as she got hold of it, Ramo took it away from her.
"Ramo" she exclaimed
" pregnant women should not use devices. It causes radiation that's harmful for the baby" ex explained.
" Ramo, all these are unreasonable talk. Lemme use it." Sibel requested.
" No" Ramo outright rejected the idea.
"How will i live without devices for the next 8 months?"she pouted.
" Ramo hummed and smiled"
Anyway, it's getting late, lets get you some breakfast. Ramo suggested.
While walking down stairs, Ramo opened his mouth again,we are shifting downstairs Gülüm.
Pack your important stuff as soon as you get back to the room.
"That's fine, but when we informing Anne and family? She asked.
Ramo stopped in his steps.
Are they here now? He asked
"Anne is here, I don't know about others" sibel said.
"Ramo, let's inform anne Atleast. She has always looked forward to her great grandkids" she added.
Ramo hummed . He grabbed her hand and entered the kitchen at first.
What would you like to eat? He asked.
I know you have been eating healthy breakfast for long time but from today I want to see it myself.
" Three toast, a scrambled egg and a glass of milk" she said.
Ramo started doing it all by himself.when he was making eggs, Sibel proceeded to open the door of refrigerator in order to take some milk out.
Uh—uh Ramo interrupted in between sibel and fridge.
Go sit there, he asked.
" Ramo i am pregnant, not disabled. Don't make me feel like that. Sibel said.
I am not saying that. I just want to pampered you and our baby.he explained.
Sibel smiled , but don't overdo it please.
"I will try"he said.
Sibel chuckled. She well knew what he meant by" try".
Ramo returned with breakfast and set beside sibel on the dining table.
" here you go" he offered a plate.
Thank you. She replied with smile.
Ramo noticed Sibel making faces while drinking the milk.Ramo left his toast and glared.
"Sibel" he called out in a slightly strict tone.
Sibel placed the glass milk aside.Ramo I don't like milk, she complained.
Ramo chuckled seeing her pout and puffed up cheeks.He took the glass in his hand and forwarded it to her mouth.
" stop being a baby when you are the mother and finish it like a good girl. He instructed.
Sibel finished the whole glass on Ramo's insistence.
"But seriously I don't like it ramo.i wake up with the nausea, eat whatever the needs, rush to the washroom several times a days, walk with extra care, sleep being extra cautious, with months to come, it will only intensify, Sibel share her state of mind.
" it's fine, i am with you gülüm, right? Ramo scooted closer to her and hugged her sideways.
" Easier said than done. You are not the one carrying baby, I'm. Nowadays even if I breathe, I think first about baby's well being and then myself.Sibel replied.
" you and I both know that's biologically impossible.Ramo reasoned.
But I promise that I'll be there whenever you need me. He assured while dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
"Ramo, sibel" sebos exclaimed as she entered the dining room.
Sibel blushed.  Ramo took a deep breath. They were preparing to share the news with anne.
Good morning Anne,Ramo wished.
Good morning,Anne wished back.
Sebos took her seat across sibel. She noticed Sibel blushing and exchanging glances with ramo.
"Sibel" anne called.
Yas anne? She replied.
"I am noticing something different these days" anne shared. Te red hues rose-up to Sibel's cheeks even more at the mention.
"Anne" we want to share some news with you, Ramo told her.
What is it? Curious sebos asked.
Ramo stood up and held sibel's right hand with his right  and wrapped his left arm around sibel's shoulder.
" your wish is fulfilled, Anne. Sibel is pregnant." He announced.
Sebos cupped her face in between her two palms. Sibel is pregnant, that's what she heard.Her grandchildren. She was waiting for this moment for years.
" you aren't kidding, right? She asked ramo.
"I am not"Ramo assured.
Sebos stood up from the chair and went near sibel.
"Sibel" she exclaimed in happiness.
"I can't explain how happy I'm, Sebos kissed sibel's forehead.Sibel smiled. Everyone was so happy about the baby.
Sibel,come, sebos took Sibel along.
" you go with her. I have some work to do. Ramo told her and left.
Sibel nodded and left with sebos.
Hours later, Ramo bought sibel to another room.
He tied a blindfold around sibel's eyes so she was unable to see.
"Where we are going " she asked.
" patience sevgli, patience. It's my entire day effort. Wait for a little " Ramo requested.
He guided her till the centre of the room.
" will you open my fold now" Sibel asked since they were no longer walking.
"Doing it," Ramo said and opened up her blindfold.
"Sibel was stunned to see the baby pink colour room.it did not smell like new paint. Odorless she guessed.Her eyes traveled across the whole room. A wall filled with their pictures. Cute pictures of baby girls too.There were soft toys, teddy bears, colourful stickers all around.To her left, there was a cot.The cot too was decorated with pink cloth and a chime hung on the top for the baby to play with. To her right was two -story doll house.
Sibel's eyes glistened out of tears.Ramo saw it and thought she cried out of happiness.
Smiling, he took her in a back hug.
" Did you like it? He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"All these decorations,toys, pictures, she spoke in a contemplative manner.
"For our baby"he kissed her hair.
They are all for girl, she observed.
" until now, I thought you were just expressing you desire to have daughter,
Sibel said, why is there nothing that belongs to boy?
Her question shocked him.
" won't you really like it we have a boy?"
Her question angered him.
He Grabbed her hand, a lill too tight for her liking.
" come with me" he said and walked out of room with her.
" where are we going " she asked.
Just two rooms away. He urged.
Sibel follow him silently. He stopped midway.
Wait till i come back. He told her and left.
Sibel stood there in bewilderment. Why was he offended when she should be the one upset? What wrong did she ask? The room had everything a baby girl would love to have, yet non that belonged to a boy.
By this gesture, he proved how partial he can likely be to favour a girl over a boy.on the contrary, this act of Ramo shed a different on his character. If such partially happened well before the  baby came, what will happen afterward? Shouldn't she be unhappy?
Sibel turned to find him standing with two maska in his hand. He wore and proceeded to make her wear with other.
" come on" wear this, he made her wear that.
" come with me" he took her to the room nearby.sibel was startled seeing a few painters in the room. The were painting the whole room in a super hero theme.outside the room, to the right, there was a cot with a chime hanging from the top. Soft toys and action figures lied aside.
Where to keep the balls? A man Asked ramo.
Keep them beside the cot for now.once the room is painted, i will call you again to move them inside.Ramo told the man.
Sibel looked on as the man set aside the balls.All type of the balls were there.
Sibel crying seeing all that. She couldn't believe that even for a small moment, she doubted her ramo.
" How could you think that I would prefer a girl over a boy? He asked.
" Ramo" you were
"I don't care. I will love them the same, he stated.
I didn't bring you here because rimi's room was still painted.Sibi's room was already in pink colour. It didn't smell like new paint. I didn't bring you here because it's not good for your health to smell new paint. Ramo explained.
" They are lead free, Ramo, she told in an obvious tone, pulling off the mask from her face.
Ramo bit his tongue. Whatever.
Sibel smiled at his cuteness, she pulled mask aside and pinched his nose.
" you are baby's mother, not a baby he said yet again."
What should i do if you are so cute? She asked.
Ramo frowned and pulled her in hug. She smiled in his embrace.
"Are you happy now? He asked, kissing the top of her head.
She shook her head, he broke the hug to see a mischievous smile on her face.
" why"
"You decided a super hero theme for Rimi's room very well. Then why is sibi's room only pink? I want a disney princess style room for her in a week" she demanded.
"Are you sure mood swings don't start so early in the pregnancy " he murmured under his breath.
She lightly hit his chest. Ramo hugged her once again.
" you are cuter than our baby or me" he snorted.
"Uggggg! She made a vexatious sound.
However I am, I am yours. So tolrate me"
What else am I doing for the past five years? He teased.
"Oh really " she poked on his chest.
He could only laugh seeing her annoyance.

To be continued..

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