Stretch Marks

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After wiping the baby's butt from front to back, sibel swapped the dirty diaper with the new one and close the tabs of the disposable diaper. She looked beside her to see Ramo struggling with the baby in his hand. A chuckle escaped her lips. He looked at her in a confused manner.
If you do it this way, baby is going to pee on you,she laughed.
He frowned, you are just jealous that i do it better than you do.
Ohhh really?
Ramo stretched the baby to the point that it was not a dummy, a real baby would actually start crying by now.
Ramo, she snatched the dummy from his hands glanced at their prenatal class instructor, and demonstrated to him how to put a diaper on a baby in a correct way.she was not a pro,but certainly better than ramo.
If it is a girl you can just quickly wrap this around her and close the tab. Your dummy was a boy so you should hold the new diaper by the crook of your neck like a shield,she demonstrated, else the baby will pee on you if he was not all done by the time he had first wet the diaper.
Ramo stared at her.
Does it make sense? Se asked.
Why is it different for boys and girl.he asked back.
Don't make me say that, she whispered, they have different private organs.
He nodded as if he understand.
When boys pee, their stuff leaks further than the girl because of their thing, she provided further explanation for it was obvious by his face that he didn't understand the first time around.
Ahhh i am so bad at this, he sighed.
It's ok she stroked his arm,it's your first time, our first time. Making mistakes is inevitable i am sorry. I am overreacted again.
Ramo shook his head and held her hands in his" I understand "
Still, I shouldn't have. You know i have less control over my emotions these days. Right?
He nodded .
Their conversation was cut short by the instructor calling for the expectant parents attention to provide more tips and tricks about diaper and babies.
She showed them various toys they can use to pacify the baby if he cries while getting a change. Ramo squeezed shut his eyes. Sibel placed her arm on his and queried through her eyes.
These toys make more sounds than a baby's cry. How are they ever going to pacify a baby with this.? He rolled his eyes.
"Rude" she whispered , when your junior stop crying till the middle of the night, you will realise it's importance.
Ramo placed his hand on his head and sat with closed eyes. Apparently, the toy caused him a headache.
Sibel stood up in front of the mirror in the bathroom after cleaning her bowls that happened more and more these days. During the first few week of her pregnancy, she would eagerly wait for the belly to show up. Now that it reached the size of pot, she seemed less excited.
Pulling her top up a bit, she examined her belly from either side.once or twice the baby kicked and there would be a teeny tiny bit of bugle in her belly. More than it already was. Her eyes traveled down. There seems some marks on her lower abdomen that looked like cracks. They were some what reddish.
" stretch marks" she sighed. Earlier a lady told her that even though she could lose her weight after pregnancy, these stretch marks were to be there for a long time. And you f she was pregnant for the second time before these marks went away. She feared that they would stay forever. Ramo may not find her attractive anymore. Her body image will relinquish. She was not ready for all that.
" Ramo"
"Ramo" she screamed once she walked out of the rest room. He was right outside working on his laptop. Until six and half months ago, he would be scared by her countenance and voice. By now he felt habitual to her coming out the washroom like this. It seemed every day she would enter the washroom, see new change in her body, and panic like that.
What happened now? He asked coolly.
" stretch marks" she replied.
Ramo sighed, they are normal gülüm.
I know they are normal. My problem is why are they normal? She frowned.
" gülüm "
They won't go away anytime soon. What should i do about it?
There are creams you can use it, he suggested, just make sure they are suitable to your skin fact i will look that up for you, he offered.
No, she denied like a child these aren't supposed to go. Then you won't like me or touch me because you find these marks horrendous.
You know that isn't true, Ramo tried to assure.
It's all just a facade you made for yourself and me. In reality you are dying for me to get my shape back.
Gülüm, he used stern tone that scared her bit. She gulped.
Before he could assure her completely, she left the room.
Sibel sat immersing her feet in water from the pool. Her feet were aching. One of these days, she would make ramo mad by her demands for him to message her legs with oil.
He didn't not come to her for kissing her tears away. Well she had not given him the chance.
Ahhh, will someone make a place for me? I need a space to walk, she heard ramo's voice .

She craned her neck to find him walking in the pool area with a bulging tummy.he had worn a zipper jacket, there was something inside his jacket that made him look like he had grown a bump. He looked similar to the  female leads of tv serials who would put a fake bump to pass their characters as pregnant to the audience.
The baby is so heavy. Almost a pound and a half. I should be given a prize for my bravery.
What? You would understand if you have a bump. I have so many stretch marks know my wife stop loving me. I am never going to loose weight and my wife will hate this potbelly of mine.
Rubbish i am not fool to love you for your outer appearance, Sibel said.
Then i am fool? He asked. Tears trickle down her eyes.
Ramo first touch his fake bump followed by her real one. Seems like you are copying me, he attempted to make her laugh.
Huh, dont fly high. Your is fake, mine is real. Sibel said.
Mine is real, he persisted.
Such a boaster you are.
I am not boasting, i have really gained weight, won't go away after labour and i am too lazy for gym. Will you still love me? Me as in a man with the weight of an army.
It's not a weight of an army, she said still crying.
No, it is, he said, you know my wife will stop loving me after this.
Ramo how many times are you going to say this? She seemed annoyed, how many  times should I repeat that I won't stop loving you for a thing as petty as your weight?
Then how many times should i tell you that I won't stop loving or my love for you won't lessen a tad  bit for a petty thing like your weight? He cupped her face.
When I loved you, I loved your company , bot your shape. I loved the innocence in your eyes not your face. And I loved the sweetness in your personality instead of the sweetness in your voice. Yes you are beautiful but doesn't matter. Nor it will even matter, he assured her.
A small smile graced her lips. His one arm traveled down to hold her waist. He pulled her close and rubbed his thumb on her lips. A kiss placed on her forehead. She closed her eyes in anticipation of his lips. He smiled seeing her lips that were now grown into blooming smile. Soon the shared a searing kiss. For the first time while, he didn't want to care  that she was pregnant and kiss her luscious lips till they grew sore. Sibel seemed not to mind as she pulled him closer and partook in the battle between their lips with equal passion.
To be continued

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