Overprotective Ramo

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By night, Ramo and sibel settled in their new room. Sibel felt really tired and laid on the bed the instant. Ramo came a while later with a laptop in his hand.
" you don't lemme use my laptop and here using yours" she taunted.
Seriously gülüm, now i must search off the net when actually mood swings start for pregnant women. He murmured while working on laptop.
Sibel scooted closer to him and entwined her arm with his.
I want to see what you are doing, sibel said and peeked at his laptop screen.
He opened his arms for her and she snuggled more into him.
" I'm looking for questions to ask you GYN,he informed.
"Rest in peace Dr.Esra" she whispered.
Very funny. Ramo ridiculed.
"I am genuinely worried for her Ramo.she let him know.
Dont worry Gülüm, I won't let her die before she delivers our baby" he assured.
Sibel stared at him in wonder.
"That means you don't care whatever happens after our baby comes out? She asked, curious.
Ramo shrugged his shoulders in response. Sibel hit his chest lightly.
"Baby, I promise  your baba is fine, he has no psychic disorder " Sibel talked in a mourning tone.
" Ramo kept the laptop away and pulled her in his embrace for cuddling.
" Don't instigate my Baby  against me"He Warned.
"I am telling the truth " she replied innocently.
Ramo pecked her nose.
Don't she pouted.
He pecked her lips.
So You are trying to melting me with your charm? She said.
Is it working? He winked at her.
She blushed.He nuzzled in the crook of her neck and placed a kiss there.
" what are you doing, aşkım? Sibel suppressed her moan.
" Loving you"
Ramo licked and sucked on the crook of her neck.Her hands found the buttons of his shirt.He breathed in her fragrance.
Unaware, she undid one of his buttons.
Ramo was quick to hover over her. Both their entwined palms rested on her belly.
"Ramo, Baby" she moand.
I won't do anything that harms our baby. He promised and nestled more into her neck.
She undid the other button.
He raised his head to look into her eyes and cupped her cheeks.
You have given me such a precious gift, Gülüm, am waiting for our baby so eagerly . I am in love with this baby, he whispered.
Sibel snaked her arms around the back of his neck and pulled him closer.
I should be thanking you for making me feel this wonderful feeling. For you I now realise that a person can love someone without even knowing a thing about the other person. She acknowledged.
Ramo kissed near her lips. Her hands left his nape and reached for another button of his shirt and she undid that one too.
Ramo reached for her nightdress and entered his hand under the flimsy material.
Sibel placed her leg on one of his thighs and still rested on the bed while half of his body was on the top of her.
They joined their lips for a deep, meaningful, and hungry kiss.Ramo sucked on her upper lip.
Breaking apart, both of them exhaled Heavily.
"Is sex safe during pregnancy?"both of them blurted out at the same time.
Ramo moved away from her and laid beside her.Sibel placed her head on top of his chest.
It is,we shouldn't worry, Sibel suggested.
"I want to be sure, i will ask your doctor tomorrow, Ramo decided." Ramoo took out his phone and typed the question to his list.
You made a list of questions to ask?Sibel exclaimed.
" I could come up with only twenty. Why, he asked innocently.
She will be so mad, Sibel exclaimed in annoyance.
Ramo pulled her closer . They slept in a spooning position.
"Hi,I'm Dr.Esra, Esra "introduced herself.
Hi I'm ramzan kaya, it's a pleasure to meet you. Ramo shook hands with her.
Here they were at sibel's second visit to the GYN.
Have a seat, she offered to the two.
They took a seat right across Dr.Esra.
How are you feeling sibel? Esra asked.
"Expect for a few instances where she behaves like a baby rather than mother, she is okay?Ramo interrupted.
Sibel stomped on his feet.
Ayee, he screeched.
"See!"he complained
Stomping his feet on the ground as if the pain will lessen by that.
"I was asking sibel" esra cleared.
I am mostly good.At times i feel worried about the pregnancy, she shared her worries.
"It's common sibel, especially when this is your first time."Esra stated the obviousness of this issue.
Wait a second I've a question, Ramo interrupted again.
Yas Mr.kaya, Esra sighed
Is there any medicine to control her nausea? I can't see her suffering every morning.
Yas,as of now medicines that can ease morning sickness are available in the market.They can not be eradicated completely. Esra stated.
Okay, Sibel uttered.
Are you taking your parental vitamins on time? Esra asked.
" yas i make sure of it. Ramo answered on her behalf to which Dr. Esra noted it down on her desktop.
To ease morning sickness further, Esra continued, I suggest you to drink ginger tea, eat smaller but frequent meals and avoid using strong perfume.
" My cologne is pretty strong" ramo bit his tongue and whispered to sibel.ok I'll change it today.
I will also recommend doing yoga.Esra suggested.
"Yoga"Ramo opened his mouth.I don't think so Sibel do anything  during her pregnancy. What if something happens.
Mr.Kaya, she is pregnant not disabled. She should continue certain freehand exercise amd yoga helps eliminate stress, its highly recommended for pregnant ladies, Esra qualified her statement.
Okay,  ramo began,what about mood swings? When do they start?
They should by start now. Usually, it's start between  weeks 6 trough 10 in the first trimester.you may notice changes in her behaviour now. But they getting worse in third trimester. So you're safer for now. She ended chuckling.
Sibel sat there and looked on as Esra or Ramo played the question and answer game back and forth.
" what should she eat"
There is a diet chart for pregnant ladies online. They change every few weeks of pregnancy.
Okay! Do all women crave sour food in pregnancy? Ramo asked.
Depends on your baby.I have seen many patients craving for sweet or spicy too.
" when does that happen ?"
Around the start of the second trimester. Esra stated.
" will she really wake me up in the middle of the night ?
How many movies did you watch? Esra asked back.
" That's a question for a question' Ramo moped.
Ramo, Sibel tired to stop him but,
Wait a minute gülüm, he interrupted her, I asked you a question doctor.
"Once again, it  depends . Every pregnancy is different.
When will we hear Rimi or Sibi's heartbeat.
" who is Rimi or Sibi?"
That's what we decided to name our kids, Sibel answered on the behalf of Ramo.
" you decided that too" Esra grumbled.
Yes, Ramo nodded. Now tell me when.
" Around six weeks "
" she is on her eighth week now" Ramo stated.
"But I don't have the fetal- doppler monitor ready to go.
" okay" may we get another appointment.
" My nurse will get to you about that."
Esra sighed.Finally  the question were over. She thought.
"One last question,"he said making esra jump on her seat.
" what else, Mr.kaya? "She sounded exhausted.
" is sex safe in pregnancy "
His question made both sibel and esra red.
" Ramo, sush" Sibel blushed.
" it's ok i get this question a lot. The answer is yes. But be careful of the positions. She said.
Sibel closed her eyes in embarrassment. Ramo held her hands under the chair and brushed his thumb lightly on her palm.
Esra drank full glass of water, Ramo questions finally seemed to stop.
Ramo you  embarrassed us so much in her clinic. Sibel complained in the car on their way to return home.
Come on sibel, it was a simple question. And what was so bad that I asked.? It's obvious. If we did not do it how can you conceived? Immaculate conception doesn't exist these days.
" still,it's our private life" Sibel argued.
She said, right? She is used to it.
"But i am not ramo"
Ramo took a deep breath. He moved his left hand from the steering to hold sibel's which rested on her lap.
" Relex "
Sibel nodded. What's said was said. She nodded not to make an issue out of it.
Sibel was smiled recalling that day. Everything is so fresh in her mind.The previous day Ramo was concerned about the attack on sibel, the night he got so jealous of Dead taner and made crazy love to her. The morning after, he took care of her as if nothing happened. What else she could term it if not mood swings.
Now is my turn, she playfully said making Ramo smile.
If her pregnancy was a means of punishing him for his mood swings, it was the best punishment that he ever received.
Shahen embraced Ramo in a warm hug as soon as the latter and Sibel stepped inside the Lounge.Sibel smiled seeing Ramo's face and shahen's style of hugging.
"Yas yas I need to change my cologne " Ramo talked over the phone, It should be pregnancy-friendly,Shahen and Sibel looked at ramo in shocked as he continued,
I don't care if a term such a pregnancy - friendly exists or not.i want it.He disconnected the call.
Gülüm, you should go to our room and take rest.he turned to sibel.
Sibel nodded and left.
The sight of Sibel examining herself in the mirror caught Ramo's eyes as soon as her entered their room. She touched her belly and leaned towards the mirror to check something.
Ramo snaked in behind her and took her in back hug. Sibel gasped in surprise at first but later placed her hands on top of his.
What are you doing? He placed a kiss on her hair.
"Do i look fat " Sibel asked.
"Of course not, Gülüm " he Kissed her cheeks.
Sibel freed herself from the back hug and crossed her arms across her chest with a frown on her face.
"Here I'm waiting for the belly to show up and you say I don't look fat!"
"Women generally don't want their belly to show up"my wife is so different.
" yas" Sibel replied.
I am imagining how chubby you will look in next few months.
And you will tease me for being fat .
No,you will look cute gülüm.
Sibel leaned her body backward to rest against Ramo's chest. Ramo caged her in his arms.
" our life will change so much after the baby comes "Sibel remarked.
Ramo hummed in response. He was to busy to admiring her in the mirror.
Are you ready for this?
Sibel turned to him, I am asking again.
Ramo cupped sibel's face. He brushed his thumb along her cheeks. She placed her palms on top of his.
Yas I told you before too. If you're with me , I'll handle as many babies as they come.
Sibel remembered it well. He referred to the time in the Bahamas, shortly after Sibel fought with the little girl out of her possessive nature.
Ramo you can't handle one naughty kid, what will you do with many? Sibel asked.
"you will be with me right, i will handle whenever they come" Ramo Replied.
Finally he or she is coming, he sighed and kissed the back of her palm.
Someone knocked on the door.
" yas come in"Ramo said.
A maid entered with lunch trolley.
Keep it there,ramo sighed near the bed.
The maid left, Ramo set beside sibel and took the plate in his hand.
What was the need to bring food here?we could have gone to the dining room too.
"Because I don't want you to walk around much"
Sibel frowned.she stopped ramo from feeding when he held out the spoon towards her mouth.
Ramo this is being over.
He slipped the spoon in her mouth and she had to eat forcefully.
Sibel remained silent while ramo fed her.
After Ramo finished feeding sibel, he stood up to leave, sibel held his hand to stop him.
Where are you going ?
To the washroom.
Why? Sibel asked.
"I need to check your shampoo,conditioner, face-wash, moisturiser to ensure if they Are all pregnancy- friendly ."
His statement caused sibel near a heart attack.
Later, i will check your make up items too,he added.
Ramo, are you nuts?
She looked up to find Ramo now here. He had already left for his query in the washroom.
Sibel made a vexatious sound and rested her back against the headrest of the bed.

To be continued to

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