Video Diary

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Good morning  Baby... Sibel stammered in front of the camera, here i am your mom
"Sibel kaya" reporting live after being pregnant with you four months. She shut the video camera off.
Ughhhh, what a stupid line that was, both her head And mood swung at the terrible opening to what was supposed to be cute videos diary.
O my teddy duncan, i need you to come here and teach me yourself.she sat with a frown on her face and her hand on her chin.
She opened the camera again and turned on the video.
Take two: Good morning baby, i am sibel kaya, your mom and wife of an immensely rude, stupid, idiot , Manyak sort of a person, and she bit her tongue realising that she promised to him, she never cursed him, be it in anger or in a playful manner, in-front of their kids.
She took a deep breath before deleting the previous video and starting a new one.
Take three:Good morning Baby. I am sibel kaya, your smart, intelligent, beautiful and multi talented mom and wife of Ramzan kaya.
She tried to think of some adjectives to describe Ramo but ended up with just" Ramzan kaya". To tell you something. It has been 117 days since I knew about you. Okay , i am sorry for not recording this diary since day 1. Actually the idea hit mumma recently. And by recently I mean in the morning.sibel was getting awkward with this being her first time recording a video diary when
Ramo entered the room.
Why don't we take a tour of the room? Sibel awkwardly offered while staring at the camera and stepped down just in time to fall in Ramo's arms.
It was not her plan at all.
Ramo was angry seeing her fooling around with the camera which made her trip. The camera angled to wander elsewhere. He was in debate for seconds to burst out on her or not. She certainly Needed to understand that she was carrying  the responsibility of two human beings, safety.
He saw her shying away as she told him, someone's watching. Have some shame in front of your.....
What? He exclaimed in an unusually loud voice, Sibel!
Ramo leave me. Sibel tried to stand up her own while he kept her just in place.
First tell me who is watching. As far as I know, this is our personal space, Ramo said.
Our baby, sibel siad.
La- havle, he puffed ,this is ridiculous.
Gülüm, the baby can't see from your womb now, can he?
Sibel Smiled when he or she grows up, they might just see this video .
Video he asked?
First help me stand on my feet, I don't feel comfortable like this,she said.
Oh yas, Ramo helped her stand on her own. His arms reluctantly left her waist .only then he noticed the camera in her hand.
What are you doing?he asked?
Recording my first entry towards a video diary, she replied . And you spoiled it Mr. Kaya!
Ramo sighed. You do realise that if I wasn't here, you could fall?
Sibel nodded with a frown plastered on her face.
You got to-be careful gülüm, he said.
Sibel nodded again.
Anyways what was the video diary about? Curious Ramo asked.
" I basically experimented with teddy Duncan's idea of creating a video diary for her younger sister. She started creating them when charlie was six months old. I am a step ahead of her. I started them now itself. Now my baby don't have any older sibling to make video diaries for them so i am doing it, myself.
Okay but who is Teddy and who is charlie? Ramo asked.
You ask to many questions MR!Sibel complained, Had you kept those guns aside and watched something in your early twenties. You won't ask such silly questions.
Silly? It was his turn to feel annoyed, This video diary is silly.
"Such a kid" Sibel murmured , okay don't feel bad. I am sorry, then she went on to the reveal, well to be honest, i cannot take care of another kid at the moment, her comment earned her a glare from his side, Alright, i am telling you, in the sitcom" Good luck charlie, teddy  Duncan used to record video diaries for her younger sister charlie to prepare  the latter to survive in crazy family with four kids.
And you, Mrs.Kaya, you watched it? He asked.
She shrugged her shoulders letting him know the answer. Ramo took deep breath. These days he couldn't even react at things, especially related to her, that would annoy him to the core.
He only escaped to the washroom.
Shortly after ramo left for the washroom,  sibel felt extremely queasy. She was in urgent need to throw up and he wasn't taking the name of coming out.
Sibel pace back and forth inside the room to try to ease her feelings. Her comfort was long gone and she couldn't wait anymore.
She knocked on the door.
He lied, he didn't come, she knocked again.
Two minutes.
Sibel sighed. She knocked harder.
The door unlatched . As soon as he came outside, he was greeted by a shower of ingested food painted in yellow. Sibel cough between. The rain of ingested food came in a smoother flow.
La- Havle, Ramo exclaimed.
Sibel pushed him aside to try to get into washroom.He stood there, seeing the yellowish stain all over his shirt, making puke worthy reactions himself.
Sorry I couldn't be with you,  he apologised when he was back after cleaning himself.
I should be sorry. I couldn't be control and threw up on you. Sibel apologised as well.
Ramo shook his head, it wasn't in your hands gülüm.
Sibel smiled a little.
A knock in the door disturbed them as usual.
Ramo made a face that would be easily beat the one of a child whose favourite candy just got snatched away .
Always! Someone has to interrupt us always. He walked up to the door after his mini complaining session and opened the door for Shahen to barge inside.
If it were happen always, pamuk won't be in this world, shahen comented.
Sibel smiled, when Dogan began, never mind this one, we were here just to drop this.
He revealed cute pink dress from the truckload of shopping bags in his hand.
This is so's so sweet of you.Sibel admired the baby dress after taking it from dogan's hand.
I hope you liked it sibel, dogan said.
Loved it, Sibel replied.
Ramo walked up to shahen to pull his ears for which the latter squealed aloud.
What did you say upon your entrance? Ramo asked.
As if you don't know. Shahen winked at Dogan and Sibel blushed recalling shahen's earlier comment.
It's ok, I'll tell you kardeşim. The thing is when two people get married, they come close and if the door is open then....
Shutup Shahen.
Sibel becoming more and more embarrassed.
Dogan pulled shahen by the ears and took the later out of Ramo's bedroom.
By the way he said right. Ramo was back to his teasing itself. Sibel pretend to have something on her face that needed to be washed.
Ramo stood there with a smug smile on his lips.
Take four: Breaking news. Mr Ramzan kaya didn't react when a woman threw up on him.Now my baby is smart to decipher who this woman was. Anyways , getting back to business. Ramzan Kaya finally got reward for his zero reaction over this scene morning. And that is...
Hello.. Ramo waved. He couldn't believe his reward was a chance to be featured in a so called prenatal video diary.
So i am sibel kaya, she hold the camera to face him. He said, I am Ramzan kaya.
Sibel swiftly pulled the camera to herself and said, and we are the two luckiest people on earth getting to be your parents. I am mumma and he is pappa.
Ramo pulled the camera to himself , nice that you said else pamuk might think you are papa and i am mom.
Sibel gritted her teeth in order to gain a not- so subtle reaction from herself. This is my idea lemme do as i please.
Ramo shrugged, having no say in this.
And what is Pamuk? No pamuk .
We don't know if we are having a son or a daughter yet, she started to explain, if baby boy watches it and my poor baby gets bogged down by your repeated mention of pamuk and vice versa?
Ohh yas sorry.
Hell with your sorry Mr. We need to record again.
Sibel rolled the camera and action, Take 5.
To be continued

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