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I woke up to my little sister in my room screaming and fighting with my little brother. I put my pillow over my head and said "Can y'all get out? It's too early for allis." Remi: "Gimme my tablet back!" Cari: "Only if you can reach ittt!" Me: "Get out!" My mom peeked in and said "You needa getcho lil high yella ass up anyways. It's almost time for you to go to school." I rolled my eyes and sat up then I stared at them. Me: "Why are y'all still in here? Bye!"

Cari: "You're mean." Me: "Ion give a damn. Get out" Mama: "Don't talk to them like that. Come on y'all, go get something to eat before ya bus gets here." They walked out and she stared at me for a few seconds. Me: "What?" Mama: "I know they get on yo nerves Lani but you gotta be nicer to them. They yo younger siblings and if you keep yellin at em like dat, they aint gon want nun to do witchu."

Me: "Well they needa learn how to stay out my room. I love em but I need my privacy Ma" She nodded and said "Then imma talk to em about it. Get ready okay?" Me: "Ight.." She cracked my door a little bit then she came back in and said "Oh and we gon be down at the church today. You coming wit us too." I sighed and said "Really Mama? Do I have to go?" Mama: "Mhm. You remember Mr. B?" Me: "Yes.." Mama: "He has a son I wantchu to get to know."

Me: "Ew please no." Mama: "Why not?" Me: "Cus I don't want to." Mama: "Okay baby girl. Omari's gon be down here too. I can't make him go but.. You know." Me: "When is he coming?" Mama: "He should be here around the time you get home from school." Me: "Good." Mama: "Ight start gettin ready now. Sorry for holdin you." She closed my door then I got up and opened my closet.

I picked out my outfit for the day then I called my best friend Dani. When she answered she held a shirt in front of the camera and said "Soooo would this be cute on me?" Me: "Yes 😭 You always pullin off some typa outfit." Dani: "Yeah but ion know bout dis.." Me: "Just put it on and see." She nodded and said "Ight bet." Both of us talked the whole time while we were getting ready then she said "Are you riding the bus today?"

Me: "Yeah. Ion wanna deal wit my mom inna car. She been tellin me bout church all week." Dani: "I'm glad my parents stopped with allat." Me: "Ion know why my family is like this with it." Cari walked in and said "Ailani" Me: "What?" Cari: "Do you know where my iPad is?" Me: "Look onna couch. You gon be 12 next month, you gotta learn to do stuff on yo own." He rolled his eyes and walked out then I shook my head.

I spent the next few minutes getting ready then I told Dani I'd see her on the bus. I went in the bathroom and washed my face then I brushed my teeth. Mama: "Ailani!" Me: "Huh?" She stayed quiet so I said "What?" Mama: "Don't what me! Come on!" I rolled my eyes and went downstairs then she said "Y'all come on." Me: "I'm taking the bus." She turned around and stared then she said "For what?" Me: "Cus I wanna ride wit Dani?"

She sighed and said "Fine Lani. Do whatever" Me: "Okay.. Bye. Love y'all" I opened the front door then she said "You got yo key?" Me: "Yes" I walked out and put my headphones in then I walked to my bus stop. The bus pulled up about 10 minutes later then I got on the bus. Dani was in the middle by herself when I got on. She seen me and waved then she said "Hey bestiee! Come here"She scooted over and I sat down then she said "You good?"

Me: "All of them irritating me as usual. Omari posed to be coming over tho" Dani: "When?" Me: "After school today 😂" Dani: "I'm coming over." Dani had alwaysss had a crush on my oldest brother for as long as I could remember. He used to flirt back just because he knew she liked him but I eventually told him to stop cus it was gon make her think he liked her. Plus, Omari had turned 18 so it would be weird for him to flirt with a minor.

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