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I woke up early as hell the next day. My head was throbbing and my lip was swollen. I was so pissed off at my mom I just didn't know what to do with myself. It was Sunday so I knew she would be up in a few hours to get everybody ready for church. I got up and went in Omari's bathroom to get some headache medicine. Camille walked in and said "Oh I'm sorry, I thought nobody was in here" Me: "You good, I was just looking for some medicine." Camille: "Omari don't keep nun in here. I got some in my room, come on." I followed her in her room and she handed me a bottle of Advil. Me: "Thank you." Camille: "What happened to you?" Me: "Me and my mom got into it..." Camille: "Physically?" Me: "Yeah.. Imma be ight doe."

Camille: "I hope so. If she hits you again, I'll come get you." Me: "Thanks.." She gave me her number and a hug then she said "I'm sorry that you gotta go thru dat. You wanna talk about it?" Me: "It's fine" Camille: "Are you sure?" Me: "Yeah" Camille: "Ight.  I'm just being pushy bout it cus I was in the same situation when I was your age and I didn't have anybody to talk to about it." Me: "Well since I have your number, I'll call if I do need to talk. Thanks fr" I gave her a hug again then I went back in the living room. Dani stayed asleep for a few hours so I was just up watching tv and eating a little bit. Mama called me around 9am and I hesitated to pick up. Me: "Hello..." Mama: "Lani baby I'm sorry"

Me: "Huh?" Mama had NEVER apologized to any of us whenever she did something wrong so I was really surprised to hear it come out her mouth. I didn't know if she actually meant it or not but it still surprised me. Mama: "I'm sorry for hitting you yesterday... And the whole argument. I really am. I usually don't put my hands on you or ya siblings like that & I'm real real sorry that I did it to you." She sounded like she was crying but I kinda didn't feel bad for her. Me: "Um.. It's okay I guess." Mama: "Can you come home?" Me: "Now?" Mama: "Well not now cus we bout to leave but sometime today.. You want us to come get you?" Me: "Nah ion want y'all to be late. I'll try and come by later" Mama: "Okay baby... I love you and I'm sorry again" Me: "Love you too Mom. Bye"

I hung up and shook my head then I looked up and seen Dani lookin at me. Me: "Hey." Dani: "That was your mom?" Me: "Mhm." She stretched and yawned then she said "What did she say?" Me: "She apologized." Dani raised her eyebrows and said "What?? Really?" Me: "Yeah 😂 I'm surprised too." Dani: "She don't neva do dat." Me: "I know.. She asked me to come home and I just said I would later on." Dani: "If anything happens, call me and I'll get my dad to come get you." Me: "Ight." Dani: "Soooo when's yo lil date with Truffles 😏" She sat up and kept smirking so I busted out laughing then I said "Ion know 😭 I gotta text her." Dani: "Do itttt" Me: "You needa text Tyrell." Dani: "I did while you was onna phone wit yo mama. He posed to call me before he go to church." Me: "Aww"

Dani: "Mm don't say dat just yet. We aint known each other that long so I aint labeling him as nothing." Me: "Not even a friend? 😭" Dani: "No." My phone buzzed and I seen a text from Monay. "Good morning. You know what time you wanna come over?" Dani: "Who is it?" Me: "Monay." I smiled and Dani said "Awww look at youu. I aint seen you like dis in so long." Me: "Shut uppp." Dani: "What she say?" Me: "She's just askin what time imma be over at her house today."

Me: "It's up to you. I'm gon
need some time to get
ready tho."

Monay: "Ight. You need a

Me: "Ion know just yet. I'll let
you know. Yo mama aint gon
have a problem with comin to
get me if I do tho?"

Monay: "Nahh she likes you
so she don't care 🤣"

Me: "Ight bet. Imma let you
know tho."

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