Chapter 3

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Aidan's POV

Beep! Beep! My phone alarm went off. I groaned as I turned around to turn it off. Just then, I caught the sight of a very amused Aurelia placing some breakfast on the side table.

"Is that how you wake up every morning? It looks so funny," Aurelia looked at me, giggling as she said it.

"No, obviously I wake up in a more dignified way than this. This is just a show for you to see, Aurelia Carter," I replied, adding a fake british british accent to my words, making Aurelia laugh even harder.

"Oh yeah, can you tell me why you were crying last night?" I questioned her, only to see her look down at the floor, squirming slightly.

"Because I... I... was kidnapped before, and... and when I saw some stuff in your room, I was reminded of it and... and," She stammered out slowly, taking deep breaths in between each word.

"Shh, stop crying. Don't worry about that, okay? I will always make sure you are happy and safe," I comforted her, hopefully giving her some form of reassurance. She meekly nodded her head and I turned to pick up the tray containing my breakfast. Just as I picked up the fork, Aurelia lunged at me.

"Hey! Who said that's for you! It's mine! Go get your own one, it's in the kitchen," Aurelia yelled at me the moment she saw me pick up the tray, her originally dull mood taking a 180 degree turn.

"Oh. It's yours? There seems to be a lot of food here, enough for two people to share, I believe," I sarcastically said, picking up the fork and piercing the pancake violently.

"If you are really that lazy and cannot be bothered to go get your own breakfast, I guess we can share... But can you please stop harassing the pancake? Look at how badly you destroyed it, tsk tsk," Aurelia shot at me, evidently irritated. I purposely continued attacking the pancake, trying to provoke Aurelia, and see her look at me with absolute horror and shock.

"You can't blame me you know, I just love doing what people tell me not to and I like to see your face when you are angry. It makes you look really cute, you know," I said, trying not to laugh. Aurelia snatched the tray off my lap and placed it back down on the side table before doing the same with the fork.

"Aidan," She said in a warning tone, "if you insist on continuing, I'm going to make you stand at the naughty corner and face the wall." I roared out in laughter at her words.

"You want me, Aidan Grey, to go and stand in the naughty corner? And face the wall?" I scoffed at Aurelia, who was looking at me authoritatively, while trying to desperately conceal the laughter she was holding back.

"You know what? I'll just go," I said, while standing up, to see Aurelia with a triumphant look on her face. I chuckled a little before facing the wall. Just then, I heard Aurelia laughing her head off.

I can't believe it. How can the number one bachelorette be so childish? But she's so cute though, I love it. I think... I'm falling for her already.

"Is seeing me standing in a corner of the room that funny?," I asked, pretending to be mad at her, turning around to face her.

"Yes, it really is. And you can have the breakfast, I'll just eat more for lunch, naughty boy Aidan," She said sassily, emphasising on the "naughty boy" part, leaving me utterly confused.

However much I hate it when people talk to me sassily, but why is it when it comes to Aurelia, I almost want to hear it? And the way my name rolls off her tongue is... is like hearing Aoede talk. It's beautiful, entrancing, and irresistible.

I walked over to my breakfast and shoved the whole thing into my mouth. I moaned at the delicious taste of the food before looking appreciatively at Aurelia, who was currently unpacking her luggage and hanging up all her clothes.

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