Chapter 5

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Aurelia's POV

"Are any of my brothers still here? Or have they all already gone back?" I asked the maid who had come to pour some tea for me, after I had stayed in my room for a while.

"Young master William is still here, would you like me to call for him?" The maid replied. I hummed in agreement and the maid swiftly left. I sat up on my bed, waiting for William to come. Soon, I heard the door creak open.

"You called for me?" I heard William's low voice ask.

"Yeah, I did. I want to talk to you," I said in a barely audible voice.

"But, don't you need to go home? Won't your wife get angry?" I asked, as William walked over to the side of my bed. William shook his head as he sat down, the bed dipping slightly as he sat.

"I gave Vanessa a call just now, she said I could stay here for as long as I needed to, and I don't have to worry about it," William said. I just wrapped my arms around his body, to find some comfort from my predicament with Aidan and Zach. William rubbed circles on my back softly, while I rambled on about everything that was troubling me.

"That's a lot of problems you have," William said once I was done.

"I think I love Aidan, but I don't want Zach to be sad either. What should I do?" I rounded up my words, while drying my tears on William's cotton shirt.

"You could stay with us for a while and calm down. When you are ready, you can face them again, alright?" William reassuringly said to me. I nodded my head, which was still buried in his chest.

"It's getting late already. How about you sleep first? You can think about it tomorrow and I can stay here if you want," William offered.

"Yeah, okay. Stay here with me, please?" I pleadingly requested, while laying down on the bed. William helped me to cover my blanket and rested his head on the side of my bed. I stared at William's ruffled hair for a while before I finally managed to fall asleep.

"Goodnight," I whispered softly to him.

Aidan's POV

"Shut up Ryan, you don't know how I feel at all, it's been two days, but it's still clouding my mind," I slurred at Ryan, who had rushed over once he heard of my almost perpetual drunken state. Ryan ripped the bottle of whiskey from my hands and continued to lecture me.

"Aidan, as your friend, I'm telling you to stop drinking so much. You cannot keep on doing this. You have to get out of this," Ryan droned again.

"I know Ryan, I know. But everything brings my mind back to her, I can't get out of it, I just can't," I said, looking up at the blue sky. Ryan sighed loudly before slamming the whiskey bottle on the table.

"Fine. Whatever you say. Better don't hurt yourself," Ryan angrily said before slamming the door shut behind him, leaving me.

Aurelia, when will you come back? I miss you so so much.

I looked up at the blue sky once more.

How carefree the clouds are. How easily the wind blows. How happy everything seems to be. But what about me? Where is my happiness? Lost, reveling of joy of other things.

"Come back to me, Aurelia, come back," I whispered to the sky before I passed out from drinking too much.

Zach's POV

I sat down in front of my desk, blowing warm air into my cold hands. I was stuck in the middle of a meeting, with idiots all around me, unable to find a simple solution to this simple problem.

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