idk what chap im at so ya

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Aurelia's POV

"Aurelia, will you marry me?" Aidan asked, his voice echoing in the small tent. Lit candles and rose petals were scattered around him as the setting sun was dipping into the ocean behind. I felt tears pool in my eyes as my heart swelled at the beautiful sight. I stood in silence, admiring the breathtaking scene in front of me.

"Yes," I whispered out softly as tears fell from my face. Aidan slowly got up as he brought the shimmering diamond ring out from the blue velvet box. He carefully slipped it onto my finger as everyone around us began clapping and cheering.

"Thank you, Aidan," I whispered as I leaned into his body, feeling a very empty part of me being finally filled up again with his warmth. Aidan rested his head on mine as he pulled me closer to him.

"Aurelia, we are going to Italy in half an hour, all your things are already packed and ready," Aidan whispered into my ear, leaving me completely shocked.

"I... Italy?" I asked, my brain trying to find a possible reason. Aidan lovingly looked into my eyes, while rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of my hand.

"I'm bringing you to meet the family," Aidan began, "the mafia family."

"I think it's time for you to truly know everything," Dad's voice came from the side. I turned my head to look at him, removing myself from Aidan's hold. I locked my gaze with Dad's for a while, before Aidan pulled me away, leading me to the waiting Mercedes at the side.

"See you in Italy," I heard Dad's voice shout from afar as the car door slammed shut.

Aidan's POV

(ya ok so bcos my brain really stopped working there is a time skip until umm when they get to italy ya)

"We're going to my house, and everyone should be gathered there already," I informed Aurelia as we got into the car. Anticipation built up in me every passing second. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aurelia nervously rubbing her hands together to keep warm from the icy winter of Italy.

"Here, put this on," I said, as I took off my coat and wrapped it around Aurelia.

"Thanks," She replied, before pulling it snugly around her body. We sat in silence as the car drove towards my mansion in the dark.

"Aurelia, we're here," I whispered softly to her as I gently tapped her shoulder. There was no reply. I inched closer to her and realised she was fast asleep. I got out of the car and looked around for someone.

"Go in and tell everyone that Aurelia's sleeping and they will see her tomorrow," I told one of the butlers who was bringing in the luggage, "also, they can stay in here if they want. Just arrange the guest rooms for them."

"Yes sir," The young boy replied, his voice laced with a thick Italian accent. I nodded towards him before he rushed inside. I walked around to the other side of the car, to carry Aurelia in. I worked silently, gently scooping her up and walking into the mansion.

"Shhh, Aurelia's sleeping," I whispered to the people who were eagerly waiting in the front hall. The crowd split, making way for me to climb up the stairs and into my bedroom. Hushed whispers went across the place as I strode up the stairs. I placed Aurelia down on the bed, carefully removing all her clothes until she was just left in her shirt and shorts. I pulled the blanket over her before walking back downstairs where everyone was at.

"Aurelia will meet all of you tomorrow, you can either go back or stay at my mansion for the night. For those who are staying, inform Marcus over there," I said, gesturing towards the butler standing at the side. I left the hall and went back into the bedroom, lying down next to Aurelia. I kissed the top of her head softly before falling asleep.

"Sir, it is currently 8am, everything is ready and the guests are waiting for you and Ms Carter downstairs," An irritating voice chirped out next to me.

"Okay, got it. Now scram," I said towards the direction of the voice, while stretching and yawning.

"That's not the way to talk to someone," Aurelia chided me, while elbowing my ribs.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked, slightly apologetic for disturbing her.

"What do you think?" Aurelia sarcastically asked back.

"I don't know," I replied, "We have to get changed and go downstairs, everyone's waiting."

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Aurelia chastised as she rushed out of bed into the bathroom.

"Because I didn't need to?" I called out behind her. I sighed before taking my clothes and towel, walking towards one of the bathrooms along the corridor. I went back to the bedroom, where Aurelia was applying some make up on her face.

"Are you done?" I asked as Aurelia stood up.

"Yes, let's go down," She said. I nodded before opening the door. We walked down the empty corridor in silence, until we reached just before the stairs.

"Oh my god. All these people... Were all a part of the mafia?" Aurelia's hand flew up to cover her mouth which was hanging wide open. She stumbled backwards a little, walking right into me.

"Yes. They all are. In fact, they all hold high positions and were all hand-picked by your father to be around you to protect you and keep you safe," I whispered back to her. Just then, they noticed that we arrived and began to chatter excitedly.

"Aurelia! How have you been? It has been years since we last spoke!" Voices from below shouted, desperately trying to get my attention.

"All of you keep quiet! Is that how you talk to my fiancé?" I roared out, enraged at their sense of disrespect towards Aurelia.

"It's okay, Aidan, let them be. They are just excited to see me again after so long," Aurelia's soothing voice calmed me down a little. I balled up my fists in anger, while glaring at each of the apologetic faces below. Aurelia walked down the stairs with me trailing behind, all pairs of eyes on us.

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