i have no idea what im writing at this point

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Narrator's POV

Aurelia walked down the hall, in such a way that you would call it casual, but with some form of hesitation and uncertainty to it while Aidan leaned against the railing, cautiously staring at the figure dressed in the white gown.

"Now that I know all of you are from the mafia, what am I going to do with this knowledge?" Aurelia's soft voice broke the silence. It was still rather silent after that though, a bit sad, I must say.

"You can do anything you want," Aidan's rough voice came from behind.

"Hmm... In that case, I want breakfast," Aurelia said, shocking everyone in the room. Of all things you could want, you chose breakfast? She is rich, after all, and can get almost anything she wants at any time... So, I guess it's logical?

"Yes, right this way," A butler standing at the corner pushed his way through amongst the crowd of people and led the way. Aidan walked down the stairs and took a seat next to Aurelia at the long dining table. And when I say that Aidan glared at everyone who was in a five meter radius, it was more than definitely an understatement.

"Stop scaring people away, be more friendly to them," Aurelia chided Aidan while taking a bite of her food. Aidan narrowed his eyes at seemingly nothing before continuing to eat his food. A few chuckles erupted left and right, before it was hastily covered with deliberately fake coughing.

"How is it going?" Aidan ambiguously asked the pathologist who was calmly sipping his tea. The old man walked up next to Aidan before leaning close to his ear.

"Sir, can we talk about this... In private?" The greying man asked while giving sideward glances to Aurelia and a few other people at the table. A nod here and there, and the two men left for a room.

"Is he really... My father?" Aidan asked, his strong demeanour diminishing.

"The DNA test is positive, so I would say yes," The old man said slowly while gently blowing the dust off his reading glasses. Aidan slammed the table down hard before mumbling something incoherent and running his fingers through his hair. He seemed irritated, and annoyed, and in his eyes, regret?

"I shouldn't have just left him outside there. I should have brought him somewhere safe first. He could tell me everything I wanted to know. All the answers I wanted, and deserved are all with him. And I just... Let him go just like that," Aidan repulsed.

"To regret is too late. It is already over, why not let go?" The pathologist's wise words seemed to calm the raging Aidan down a little.

"Let's go back, there are people waiting. I think you should probably remove that angry face while you're at it," He said to Aidan, before walking out of the room. Aidan huffed a bit before walking out, it would be rather perfect to say that Aidan looked a little like the Big Bad Wolf from The Three Little Pigs, you know, the one after he tries to blow the last house but he can't?

Aidan removed the look of anger on his face and walked out as casually as he could.

"Aidan is angry!" Aurelia kiddish called out the moment she saw Aidan's partially enraged face.

"No way. Who said I was angry?" Aidan huffed back, his anger even more evident than ever. Maybe he was just playing along to keep up the act, who knows?

"Me," Aurelia replied, while standing up and raising her hand as if she were in kindergarten.

"Are you seeking a death wish?" Aidan screamed.

"If you kill me, I can assure you that you will be dead within the next 24 hours," Aurelia said, "actually maybe 12 is enough."

"Okay, I'm not going to kill you... Can't you take a joke?" Aidan said before placing his lips on Aurelia's. Aurelia's face turned very red before she pushed Aidan away, whispering something quietly into his ear. Aidan laughed loudly before he collapsed back into his chair, making everyone wonder what Aurelia had told him. After calming down a little, Aidan stood up and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone, me and Aurelia have to leave Rome soon, and by that I mean like right now so see all of you soon."

"Stop just randomly saying things like that please, Aidan," Aurelia chastised, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Why, I love doing that. It's so fun to see you angry. Also, we are going to Venice so you better be prepared or I'm going to push you into the river," Aidan turned his head back to reply to Aurelia before kindly inviting the guests to leave.

"No way," Aurelia sighed before disappearing upstairs.

Aurelia's POV

Why does Aidan keep just randomly telling me things... He has to stop...

I walked back to the bedroom to rest for a while before packing my things.

"Don't bother packing. I have all your things and they are already in the hotel in Venice. I will get someone to send everything over later on," Aidan said as he strolled into the room.

"How did you even get your hands on my clothes and other things? It's very disturbing to know that you have my things all the time," I said, while plopping myself on the bed.

"Because I know everything and I am great friends with your father and ever so kind brothers who would kindly tell me everything I want to know," Aidan sarcastically replied, flashing a fake smile.

"That is so stupid. But somehow, coming from you, it's expected," I sighed in defeat. We walked out to the car that would bring us to the airport to fly to Venice. By the time we arrived, it was rather late into the morning and there were lots of people going in and out of the place.

"Just stay close to me and we are going straight to the jet," Aidan's warm breath came into my ear, making my face turn a little red. I quickly nodded before stepping out of the car and hooking my arm around Aidan's. Paparazzi surrounded us as they took photos and asked us more questions than necessary. Aidan and I ignored all of them and just followed behind security who were clearing a path for us.

"That was quite annoying," Aidan lamented as we sat down in his jet.

"I guess I'm used to it so no difference for me," I shrugged before calling the attendant for a glass of wine. Delicately sipping on it, I glanced out at the window, where the sight of sky and clouds replaced the view of the airport.

"We'll reach there in about an hour, after we land, we are going for a boat ride. Better don't fall into the water," Aidan said, smirking as he did.

"I feel like I should be saying that to you," I snapped back, finishing up the last bit of the wine. Aidan shook his head in disbelief, laughing a little.

Aidan's POV

I walked alongside Aurelia and sat in the car, which was going to bring us to the Bridge of Sighs, where I would most definitely be pushing Aurelia off and into the river. I got carried away in my thoughts when the driver informed us that the short 15-minute drive was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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