Chapter 11

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Aidan's POV

"The lady may have some problems for the rest of her life," The doctor hesitantly said.

"What do you mean by that! How can anything happen to Aurelia! What is wrong with her!" Mr. Carter yelled at the doctor, gripping his collar tightly.

"The stab at her abdomen area was so deep that it sliced her womb open, and to not endanger her life, we had to remove it. So she would never be able to... To conceive," The doctor hesitantly blurted out, while trying to get out of Mr. Carter's grip. Mr. Carter dropped the doctor onto the ground, yelling at the doctor.

Never be able to conceive? And it's all my fault.

I scoffed at myself, before burying my face in my hands, tears flowing down my face.

"Aidan. Get. Fucking. Lost," Mr. Carter hissed at me. I silently got up, before dragging my feet away.

"Kill Zach," Mr. Carter spat at me just as I walked past him.

"Yes, sir," I whispered back, before staring straight ahead.

Zach. You are going to die in my hands.

I balled up my fists, before walking towards the car and driving off.

Aurelia's POV

Aidan... He came for me.

My fingers lightly contacted his arm as I felt myself get carried away.

Why do I hear gunshots? Where am I going?

I was blinded by bright light as I was brought out of the dark building. I closed my eyes to rest for a while, but soon, I lost consciousness of the world.

"Where-" I sputtered out, my lower abdomen hurting badly.

"Aurelia! Are you awake?" I heard Dad's voice say, "wait, I'm calling the doctor."

I lay down, blinking, trying to fully wake up and open my eyes. A beeping sound filled my eardrums as I tried to peer around me. I tried to lift up my arm to shield my eyes but I felt some resistance pulling it back, like some weight on it.

Is that... Aidan?

I turned my head slightly before realising that it was just William. He was staring at me, while rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

"Where is Aidan?" I weakly whispered out, immediately getting William's attention.

"Aidan, he... He is..." William hesitantly began.

"Where is he?" I hurriedly asked, fear building up in me. William just kept silent as his face turned ashen.

"Is Aidan... Dead?" I asked in trepidation, while preparing for the worst.

"No, no, he isn't dead. He's just umm..." William tried to begin but the entrance of Dad and the doctor room cut him short.

"William, step aside, the doctor's here," Dad commanded. William nodded before quickly stepping back. The doctor moved to fill William's place before asking me a few questions. By the time he was done, I was getting more and more anxious about knowing what happened to Aidan. When the doctor finally left the room, I couldn't wait any longer.

"Dad, and William. Where is Aidan?" I asked, trying to conceal the massive amount of fear within me.

"Aidan said that it's not very convenient for him to see you now, so you won't be seeing him for a while," Dad cooly said, while his eyes were straying away.

"Why is that so?" I prodded, knowing that there was definitely more to the story than whatever Dad said.

"It's not for you to know. At least not now," Dad firmly replied in a strict tone, making it very obvious to me that now was not the time to ask further.

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