Chapter 2

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Aizawa came to my room not too long later and filled me in on everyone's state. Kirishima was cut up, Tamaki broke a bone in his face, Fat Gum broke a couple bones, Togata broke his leg and was scratched up and Eri was being quarantined, and like Angel, Nighteye passed away.

Recovery Girl fixed me up and my school uniform was returned to me by a hesitant Haruka. Everyone was returning to classes except Togata since they wanted to keep him a while longer for observation. The police had questions and I had most of the answers they needed so Izuku, Kirishima, and I had a delayed return to the dorms. We didn't get there till it was dark out, I didn't stay around long enough to hear what Ochaco and Tsuyu had to say.

I was forced to stick around for the lectures and questions though, it was too hard to sneak away. I did feel bad that I had to refuse Sato's cake becuase of my stupid hatred for chocolate.

Everything seemed to go back to normal, classes started back up and everyone fell back into a routine. I sleep until 4 and go for an hour run, return to the dorms at 6 and clean up. Then at 6:30 I join everyone in the common area for breakfast and conversation. I was surprised that I was able to sleep at night. Maybe after everything that's happened, my body just can't handle the sleepless nights anymore.

I stood with my back to my bed in nothing but a shirt I didn't own. My hair was loose and dropped to my hips in curls as I waited for my coffee to brew. I swayed my hips out of habit as my cup of coffee and the three sugar cubes I dropped in melted.

"Kano, what are you doing?" I turned around sipping my coffee as Shoto sat up from my bed.

"Getting coffee into my system before I get dresses to visit your mother." I put my coffee down before leaning down and kissing Shoto.

"You want a tea?" He nodded before kissing me again and standing up to make a tea.

I opened my closet to grab one of my long skirts and a button up to change into. I stepped into my washroom not bothering to shut the door as I slid into my chosen outfit.

"Natsuo called me last night."

"Is that so?" I pulled my hair back to the nape of my neck and tied it together with a black ribbon the matched my skirt.

"Yes, he told me that he and Fuyumi were planning to visit mom this weekend so we can finally go on that date I promised you." I stepped out of the washroom and picked up my unfinished coffee off my desk.

"Your mom will be excited to see them, she misses you guys." I finished my coffee and threw out the disposable cup in my trash.

"Now, lets go get breakfast." I grabbed Shoto as he tripped over his pants.

"I'd like to get dressed first." I paused realizing that he was right and he was still in his dirty uniform from yesterday.

"You're right, go get changed and I'll grab you a plate." I let Shoto's hand go as I shoved my phone and wallet into my skirt pocket.

I pulled on my black heel boots and headed down to the common area with my skirt brushing against my ankles.

"You look like a girl!" I took an open seat beside Denki and began eating my omurice.

"That's because I am a girl you overgrown Pikachu."

"Well today you look it." I shook my head and went back to my breakfast waiting for Shoto to join.

DRACO (BNHA)//Book 4Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα