Chapter 4

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Time went by quick, as I woke up at 4 like always and Shoto tightly held onto my waist as he slept, September was over and fall had come along. The wind grew colder and Mr. Aizawa took the students involved in the Hassaikai raid to Sir Nighteyes funeral. I was forced to attend Angels funeral by myself, it wasn't like I had a choice since I didn't tell anyone about it.

She had no family and I couldn't pull heroes from the agency away from important work. So I paid for the funeral then had her buried beside her best friend, my mother. My mothers agency was taken over by Haruka, he was young but I knew he would make he agency proud. The work studies got placed on hold for our safety. With everything that was going on it was safe to say my dad was getting increasingly more worried about me.

"Tohru, there's a package for you!" I turned around on the couch from watching the news with the rest of the class to Cathleen carefully carrying a box with holes in it.

The smell that was coming off it was familiar, not one particular smell I was familiar with, more like a smell that separates species. I reached over taking the box carefully and placed it in my lap. There was a note from saying to call my dad so I was sure it was from him.

"Dad, why is there a package with my name on it telling me to call you?"

"Did you open it?"

"No, I didn't know if you actually sent it or not."

"Well open it, I had to fight with the school to get it allowed."

"Fine, whatever." I opened the box to see a full grown cat in the box sleeping.

It looked to be a Ragdoll with the markings of a Siamese, it looked up at me with large blue eyes. It meowed at me before crawling out of the box onto my chest.

"You open it?"

"Yes, and it's crawling on me."

"That's Tofu."

"No dad, it's a cat."

"The cats name is Tofu."

"That makes more sense."

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah, but why?"

"You were stressed so I thought a companion would be nice. He's litter trained and has a calm demanor. He's a perfect match for you."

"At least tell me he's neutered."

"Of course, now I have to hang up, the restaurant is busy." My phone beeped at me as Dad hung up on me.

Everyone was staring at me as I pat Tofu who laid on my chest purring contently. I stood up and turned to Momo.

"Hey Momo, do you think I can barrow your quirk up in my room?" She nodded placing her tea onto the table and followed me up to my room where she created the necessities for a cat also the stuff I would need to make a cat jungle gym wall in my room.

After a couple holes were drilled into my wall and a little help from Shoto--who mainly played with Tofu--I managed to put everything together and put the litterbox in my washroom. Tofu seemed to enjoy everything as he climbed up the cat sized stairs into the cat bed.

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