Chapter 12

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After a night of sleep I went for my run at 5 since I didn't get a chance to go for my run all week. I dropped Tofu off in Shoto's room who was more than happy to watch him before I left. I ran into All Might who was persistent about having a conversation.

"Are you still training with Izuku?" The 7' 2" blond stared at me shocked before he rubbed his neck chuckling.

"How did you know I was training him?"

"I knew the moment I saw both his quirk and his first proto-type costume. It looked too much like you and your quirks are exactly them same beside how the two of you utilize your quirk." His dark eyes widened and he stopped chuckling.


"Yes, singular. It was easy to put together. You care greatly about Izuku more than you care for the rest of us, I'm not saying you don't care about us, but you are greatly for him as your protégé. You train directly with him and your quirks are exact copies of one another's. Now, I have to go and get ready for the festival." I turned around and began jogging back to the dorms.

"WAIT!" I turned around with a smile as I waved my hand above my head.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

I ran back to the dorms and pulled on the orange shirt that the teams were given and tucked it into my uniform skirt. I didn't bother putting much effort into my hair and just opted for a quick braid to keep the overgrown locks of hair out of the way. I joined up with the rest of the group after I made sure Tofu had everything he would need.

I helped move everything into the gym before I got a call. It was from Togata, apparently he couldn't get ahold of Izuku or Suto so he called me to let me know that him and Eri got to campus safely.

"Okay, I'll make sure that the message gets to Izuku and Suto. I'm sure they'll be happy to know you've made it safely."

"Thanks Kano!"

"It's no problem Togata."

"Jeez, I thought I told you to call me Mirio!"

"You did, I just respect you too much to call you by your first name. Never mind that, make sure Eri has fun and learns to smile again." I hung up with a cheerful farewell before getting back to helping.

"Where the hell are you Midoriya?" I muttered under my breathe as I put down the final box that had to be brought in.

"Who was that?" I turned to Shoto as he brushed his hand across my waist as he walked past me.

"Just Togata, he couldn't get a hold of Suto or Midoriya to tell them that he and Eri made it safely so he called me instead." He nodded and handed me a bottle of water.

"I know using your quirk gives you a fever so I thought staying hydrated might help you stay cool and since you'll be using your quirk a lot in the performance so might be good for you." I smiled and took the bottle

"Thank you Shoto."


"Suto had to get ready for the pageant, it was a very last second thing and I don't think she'll be able to do the concert with us. As for Midoriya, I think that's him running towards us."

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