Chapter 7

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I leaned back against my bed as I sat on the floor of my room with Tofu sleeping in my lap. Honestly, I was just waiting for Aizawa or even All Might to burst into my room. Classes hadn't ended yet and I was sure I'd get detention or something for skipping. I'd be free from the wrath of Aizawa for a little longer.

"Nakano?" I jumped when someone knocked loudly on my door, I must have falling sleep.

I didn't answer but instead put Tofu on my bed and went out to the balcony and got ready to fly off.

"If you dare sprout wings and fly off I will personally see to it that you fall to the ground in painful agony."

"Mom?" I walked back into my room and unlocked my door.

Instead of my mother standing in my doorway, which I knew would have been impossible for her to be doing so, stood Midnight. She had her arms crossed over her chest and a look I couldn't pin point.

"Aizawa informed me of your situation."

"Sorry, but there's no situation to talk about." When I went to close my door Midnight slammed the handle of her whip in the door frame.

"Suicide is a situation that as a teacher is something I'd like to deal with."

"I'm not gonna kill myself. Well look at that, done, situation dealt with." She didn't look impressed and I sighed opening my door to let the R-rated hero into my room.

"I don't know what you want from me, I'm a teenager who's dealt with murderous villains on multiple occasions and have apparently died once already. My mother was murdered in front of me by my childhood best-friend, who I can't seem to hate no matter how hard I try, my father used to train me to the point it was probably abuse, and it didn't stop till I died during the USJ attack. Oh, and I can't sleep at night." I sat back down onto the floor and Tofu dropped back down into my lap.

"You need help Nakano."

"I've needed help since I was 7, I got help and it did nothing. Now I avoid therapists and any phycological help. My dads been trying for years, I either don't go or don't say anything at all." I leaned my head back and Tofu began pawing at my chin.

"Hold on, has your cat been doing that every time you're stressed, angry, sad, depressed and stuff?" I hummed as I opened my eyes and pat Tofu.

"Tofu? Yeah, he's been doing it for a while. Usually when I'm doing school work or have a bad day." Midnight's eyes widened and her eyes widened as a grin stretched on her face.

"What, is something wrong?"

"I think you've been getting the phycological help you've avoiding." I watched as Midnight grabbed Tofu from my lap and held him in front of her face by his arm pits.

"What do you mean?"

"I think your cat's been responding to the drop of your Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin. The hormones that make you happy. He's responding to it and acting to balance them so you're relaxed or become happy. Tofu's become your emotional support animal unintentionally, without you noticing."

"So you're saying I'm cured of my suicidal-ness?" I stood up grabbing Tofu from Midnight and let him crawl onto my shoulders.

"No, but he's helping you with it."

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