Chapter 5

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When I went to bed last night I was surprised to see Tofu sleeping on my chest. Shoto wasn't clinging onto me so I just assumed that he slept in his room. When I headed down for breakfast Tofu insisted on joining me by curling into my hoodie. His head poked out of the neck of my sweater as I ate. I feed him a share of fish between my own bites. The girls found it adorable and wanted to play with Tofu but he had receded into the fabric of my hoodie.

I set Tofu up in my room with plenty of water and made sure the small camera was positioned properly so I could see him well I was in class through an app on my phone. During school I checked on him between classes, he mostly slept. In gym it was just another day of working on our ultimate moves. When classes ended I surprised myself at how eager I was to get back to Tofu. I've only had him for 24 hours but he's become very important to me.

I even bought a hoodie with a cat pouch in it, it was embarrassing how attached I became so quickly. Tofu even joined Shoto and I well we did homework in his room. He laid in Shoto's lap so I'm happy my boys get along well.

"Does he have toys?" I looked up from my math work as Shoto held Tofu in the air well resting their foreheads together.

"Yeah, one or two. I was planning on going to the pet store this weekend to get some more things for Tofu."

"Then it's a date, I'll take you out on our date and we'll make a stop at the pet store. Everywhere we go will surely be cat friendly so we can bring him along." I laughed as I reached over and grabbed the brown and cream cat from my boyfriends arms.

"Okay than, just don't replace me with my cat. Got it Shoto?" I pointed an accusing finger at Shoto teasingly before scratching under Tofu's chin.

"That would be illegal."

"So are you saying that if it was legal you would replace me with my male cat ?"

"I did not say that." His eyebrows scrunched together and his nose curled up.

"Well it certainly sounded that way."

"I did not intend for it to sound that way." I laughed at Shoto as he shook his head in a serious manner.

"I'm joking Sho, I know you wouldn't purposely cheat on me. Especially with my cat." I scratched between Tofu's ears before letting him out of my arms so he could return to Shoto's lap and I could return to my homework.

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