0.12 You Do Not Know Racism, Stop Fronting.

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Can we talk a second to acknowledge all the fake white activists out there? The qUirKy girls that watched one episode of Deathnote and swear they know anime? The girls that wear 15 different bracelets with world peace and ACAB on them? Yes, yes I'm talking about you. 

And no, not all white people are like this of course. But let's talk about the ones that are. 

You aren't special for pretending to like black people and lgbtq+ members. And before you say "I'm not racist! I went to 3 BLM protests last summer," and "I'm not homophobic I'm literally bisexual I just only date boys and have and would lowkey never be attracted to a women!" That's good and great but where was that humanitarian attitude when your cis white boyfriend was saying the n word and the f word? (F word meaning the slur.) Where was that all lives matter (and not ALM, just the overall believe that all lives should and do matter)? Oh right! It wasn't there. 

Caring about people's lives shouldn't be a trend, it shouldn't be an aesthetic. It should be a belief-a universal belief. Don't act like you voted for Biden with a confederate flag in your bedroom. Don't act like you donated to BLM while you won't give a dollar to a homeless person. I know I sound a little aggressive in this chapter and I'm sorry. But this is something bigger than people realize. Some people are actually using people's lives as some kind of aesthetic. 

And if you are a real and true believer in human rights, thank you so so so much for taking these things seriously. It's real stuff, whether people want to believe it or not. The real troopers and the real heroes are the people that don't sit by and let things happen until it's convenient and cute. The people that call out a homophobic person, and the people that correct their parents when they say something racist. Y'all are the real ones. Please keep being you and you should be proud of it.

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