0.11 Lesson 10 "Stop Telling Us to Get Over Everything"

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Edit: sorry if it keeps updating, I'm editing my grammatical mistakes.
We've had a brief talk about this before, but it was brought to life once more by a newest friendly activist loverdolphin57 (sorry if you don't like getting tagged.)

At my old school, we heard about slavery one time. We celebrated Black History Month twice. In 6 years. But every year, we take a chunk of the year out to talk about 9/11 and the Holocaust. Why? Is slavery not as important? The apartheid? The nation of Haiti? One of the most influential countries in stopping slavery?

The muder of people for no reason is not as important as how to divide fractions? The story of Emmit Till is less imporant than apes turning into humans? Why is it that it is only important when white blood is shed?

What about Mexicans?
What about Native America or Indigenous People?
What about Asians?
What about their history to our country? 

You can forget the people that built the very foundations that this land that we walk upon to this very day so easily? Why do I have to get over it? Those were my people. They took me away from my people, my lineage. But I have to forget? Young me, laying in bed, wondering if I was in a tribe. What were the customs? Who was my family?

You expect me to get over that?

It's weird, because last night I had a dream about my African Family. Did I have an long lost cousins? Great great uncles? My nephews father is African. He gets to know who he is. He has the privilage of all the white people out there.
They know that they're Swedish, Italian. European, Turkish. What do I know?

Not a thing.

Am I to get over the nights I spend researching my own history, because my white teachers refuse to teach me. But they'll teach me the tales of murderers and liars like Christopher Columbus? Want me to accept slave owners like George Washington? No thank you. I would never tell somebody to be over the Holocaust, or 9/11. So why are people so quick to tell me to get over my hurt as if I don't matter? Yet if I did it to them, the world would be in outrage. Why do white people try to tell me all their racial issues, but when it comes to mine, I'm just supposed to shut up? When they tell racist jokes, I just have to go along with it because it's funny. Humor is subjective. Anytime something happens involving a black person it's always,
"What if a white person did this?"

But then turn around and say, "why do you guys make everything about race?"

Penny for your thoughts, ain't it?

Let me know what you think.
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