07. Lesson #6 "The N Word"

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Here we go.

White people love to tell me "it all depends on the context." For starters, a white person isn't going to tell me how i have to feel about a situation to fit THEIR comfort. They can't tell me the n word is okay because they feel like they should say it. There is no good reason to say that word. None. It's funny, people fight so hard to say a racist word, yet won't fight nearly as hard when we are killed in the streets.  No offense to you guys, but being white grants you so many privileges. White people can say the n word and ultimately get away with it, because they "apologize." Have you ever apologized for anything, because it was just better for the situation? Yeah, that's how that works.

It doesn't matter what the context is. Think of the worst word you can possibly imagine, and would hate for someone to say to you. Now, imagine if I smiled in your face and heyy _______ not a very thought is it? See, there's a difference between having  thick skin, and having no opinions at all. I'm not very sensetive at all. But when i have feelings about something, I'm not being sensetive. I'm standing up for myself. What even is a good way to say the n word?
According to Dictionary.com,
The "n word" is
"a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person"

Not, "a funny little word a little privilaged white kid wants to say just because he just doesn't be excluded from anything."

One thing I don't understand, is why it is so incredibly hard not to say a word. With all the privilage you get for being white, just the ability to go on a jog (rip. Ahmad Aubrey) and you're pressed over a WORD?! And it's not like an offensive curse word. It's a racist word. If you fight that hard to say a racist word, you have to be a racist. My ancestors fought for years to get people to stop calling us that word. And you are just forgetting that--why? I mean, WHITE PEOPLE fought for whites to stop using that word. White people love to mention their efforts during the ww1, which I truly do appreciate and love, but if you're going to mention it, you can't just forget what they were fighting for. I mean, it's just so irrational. What is the reason? I'm still struggling to figure it out. And the problem is, it's because "slavery was a long time ago. It's just a word." Yeah, well you can suck my big toe. I would never, never tell a Jewish person to "get over to Holocaust" or somebody who lost family to 911 "get over it, it was a long time ago." Never. Yet it's okay when it's black people? Nah man. Not happening. But that's a conversation y'all ain't ready for yet.

And respect.

If you can't respect my people enough to swallow your privilage and realize that not everybody deserves everything just because they can breath, then you are a racist in my eyes. Because you think you're better than us, because you think you have the right to ignore our feeling for your own personal benefit. In this case, it's not about the game--it's the player. Because in this case, we didn't start this.

But thats a lesson for another day.

Mark 12:13
You shall love your brother as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.

Good night y'all.

Stay blessed. 

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