08. Lesson #7 "All Lives Matter"

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All Lives Matter.

Here's my problem with this movement.

When I black person is killed, or racially profiled, or even just teased, and we don't say anything, people turn a blind eye. I mean if you know anything about influencer drama, people are getting exposed for PAST racist incidents. Meaning people knew but just didnt care. But now that it's right there in your face, and you can't hide, suddenly "all lives matter"

That's some bull.

Do you guys remember that Victoria Justice meme? The "I think we can all sing" one? I linked it up there if you don't know. But Victoria got clowned so hard for that. All Lives Matter us literally exactly the same.

Y'all sound like straight clowns when you say that. Well actually, I'm not going to say that. Because a lot of you don't understand why it's just so wrong. Most don't care. But a lot just don't know.

All the people that justify all lives matter by saying "blm isn't inclusive" who is saying all lives don't matter? It ain't me. What about this slogan in anyway threatens another people? How?

Black Lives Matter
Oh I'm sorry! Black Lives Only Matter? Hmm that can't be it. Maybe it's not the lives.. maybe it's the black! Maybe thats it. Because what other reason would you find something like that offensive. If you said "save the turtles!" And I said, "all animals matter!" Would I be wrong? No. But are the turtles very endangered? Yes. They are. So why focus on every other animal that isn't in danger? We can keep them safe of course. They are important.

But I shouldn't have to explain that.

Do you guys remember the first lesson "Black Girls Are Beautfiul?" All Lives Matter vs. Black Lives Matter is the mirror image.

Look at your favorite book.  Your favorite TV show. Your favorite movie. How many of them are white or have a white cast? With only 1 or 2 black characters? Or a Latina or Latino? How about Native Americans? Or Asians? White people are what people want to be. Black people and other poc are so underrepresented in the media that it's shameful. On Wattpad, there are so few black characters. The unrepresentativeness of my people is so bad, that I have to assume a character is white because there are only white characters. You're just the standard of beauty. Which isn't bad at all, white women are beautfiul.

But when somebody insults a black woman for her big lips or ghetto facade, it's so easy to turn a blind eye. I swear. Yet, when black women decide to uplift other black women, suddenly "all women are beautfiul." Yes, we know that. But the real reason you say it is why? Because you're feeling left out. You don't want the spotlight on other people. So you say "all women are beautfiul" to substitute for, "white women are beautfiul too." If you really thought all women are beautfiul, you wouldn't go out of your way to undermine another woman's beauty.

ALM is the exact same way. Why do people need to be reassured that all lives matter? If all lives mattered, we wouldn't be in this situation. Black, white or otherwise. If the Hispanic community started a Hispanic Lives Matter movement because they're  people are being killed in the streets. I would 1000% support. Because they were the most at risk. Or next to most at risk. If you read this, and still believe in All Lives Matter, you must have no regard for human life. Because if you can't really look into the true meaning, and realize that you need support the communities that need your support the most, not the ones made by racists to be sarcastic with the bll lives matter then that means all lives don't matter.

Well actually, I'll rephrase that. If you decide to believe in the core of All Lives Matter I support you and it. Because I understand the core message. And all lives 100% do matter. But I want you to take a good look at how black people are really being treated. Because the news doesn't show you everything. When you say all lives matter, you're disregarding all of the lives lost. And that sentence speaks for itself.

All lives do matter.

But the ALM movement is not the way to do it. I promise it isn't.

If you get called to put out a fire, you go to the house on fire right? You don't stop at the first house on the block and start spraying that one right? The house on fire is down the street. So now, you've just sprayed valuable water on a house unneeding repairs. Now you've got less water. And by the time you get to the house on fire, guess what? The fire has spread. And now the house has burned down. The house, is the black community. In ashes because nobody cared enough to save us.

Thank you all
I know this is really controversial
So please leave nice; debatable comments
And if you have personal questions, my PM'S  are always open. Also, I do need
A. More judges for the Struble Awards and
B. People willing to have an interview for a special project.

Love you all 💖
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