0.10 Lesson #9: Looting And Rioting

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Just to start out, rioting and looting is horrible. It really is. And if you loot, you're not only destroying your community, but everybody's community is affected. Poor Ms. Jackson from next door can't go to the Walgreens across for the street for her ezemaeczema medicine. And now, she has to travel 12 miles just to get it. Now, other towns and cities are overpopulated.

But I understand why it's happening though. Well, the riots at least. People are angry. They are very, very angry. They have the right to be. Now that doesn't mean causing destruction is the answer. Far from it. But when people are angry, they break things. And I understand their outrage. And I feel their outrage. But it's just not rational. I mean, look. Nobody is talking about the peaceful protesters. Nobody is talking about the amazing diverse crowd of white people, black, people, Mexican, Asian. I thank you all. And we don't say that enough. Thank you to all the non black protesters. You're making a change. Truly. But look. Nobody is talking about them, or the real progress we're making here. They're talking about the riots. And the looting. And now people are being misguided, and told that protest=riots. And so they're not supporting us. And now, it seems like black people are starting all the riots and we're the main ones contributing, which is not at all true.

Somebody told me the other day that 99% of looters and rioters are black. It proves my very point. The news doesn't show the white people in the streets. They dont show the white people tipping over cars and starting fires. They show all the black people as looters and rioters. So I don't really blame that person. I just think that they're uneducated. Well actually no. I even brought proof of a white girl vandalising the side of the building with the phrase "Black Lives Matter." A black woman asked her to stop.
Another instance, there was a peaceful protest and a white man was about to tip over a police barricade. They begged him not to. Because they knew that they would be in trouble. Not the offender. And I know that they have good intentions. Really, they do. And I appreciate the love.
But it's always 10x worse when a black person goes to jail. For starters, if a white person went to jail, it would be "in the past" as people like to say. But when a black person goes to jail, they're a criminal. A convict. They're "violent" and an "aggressor." Those rules just don't apply to white people. I mean, a black person would be 5x more likely to go to jail for drug possesion than a white person, although they both use drugs at the same rate. Sorry, I got off topic.

Please, don't get too angry. I know you're enraged. I know you're hurting. But violence isn't the answer. You're only showing them what they think we are. "Animals" "criminals" "threats"

What about

Please don't jeopardize both your future and your children's. Black pride peeps. Black pride ✊

So again, I thank all the Black Lives Matter activists. I love you all, especially the white people. You understand the least yet try to understand the most. I love you, and you are carrying on the great legacy of your ancestors, that fought alongside us in the Civil War. I think we will be the generation to end racism.

All Love Matters 💙

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