04. Lesson #3 "What's Classified As Black Hair"

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Okay, this one is quite controversial.
I'm not gonna tell people what they can and can't wear, because if somebody told me my natrual hair was ugly, it would be a problem. Am I a fan of white people wearing dreads or box braids or cornrows? Not necessarily. But in the end do I care? Not even a little bit.

I used to be that girl thay says "you can't wear braids! They're for black people!" But now I see it as them embracing our culture. And to all the white people, listen.

I truly suggest you don't wear any "black" hairstyle.

I know what you're thinking.
Just hear me out.

It's just not normally safe. Traditionally black hairstyles are more signaturely black for a reason. Example: Box braids are a form of "protective styling" for black hair. It helps our hair grow and keeps in moisturized and nourished. It prevents breakage  (if done right, of course) etc, etc. There are lots of benefits, and they're cute. But they're not really designed for white hair. You're hair can fall out. Now, if you're okay with that, I'm all for it. Enjoy. But heed my warning.

Black people: we do not own a hairstyle.
I mean, technically, we do, but at the same time we don't. If non poc chooses to get braids in knowing the consequences, that's on them.
And don't think I don't care about black hair. I get how important it is, how people tore us down for out 4c hair, and suggested we straighten it or get a perm. But I think we can a learn from one another. One thing I do hate: when black girls are seen are ghetto or hood with braids and extensions, yet when white girls do it, we should get over it because we don't own a hairstyle. What's up with these double standards? African women used to braid gold and rice in their and their children's hair, so in case they were planning an escape they would have something to live off of and/or trade. White slave owners wives used to poke fun at black womens intricate braids, which, fun fact, were done in different to show which tribes they are from. To all the white people out there, try to understand why we don't want it. I mean just imagine seeing someone who's ancestors used to put down yours, suddenly wearing and trying to appropriate your culture. It's not a nice sight.

Another reason I don't think black people should get upset is because we say white people are appropriating our culture, yet most of us don't know our culture! We can't just ban somebody from using something that we stole too. While these types of hairstyles are the property of our ancestors, most black people don't know nor care about where they come from. A lot of us use African descent as an excuse to try to ban things from others, when for all they know, they might not even be black!

Now I'm not saying it's not our right to be upset. It definitely is. These are our people. But we, especially when you use your ancestry for it's advantages but don't care about to know what your ancestry is, shouldn't do that. I leave it to the african Africans to decide. If they say it's not okay, it's not okay. I dont think it's our right to decide for them. But that's just my opinion.

Like, I really really want to know where I come from, and where my ancestry is from. Where my hair is from. Where my people are from. I feel like id be unfair to decide what we can and can't do with their history. Which is ours, but it's not like we grow up like that. But that's my two cents.

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